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这鸡已被出售给库克在河内。This fowl had been sold to a cocker in Ha Noi.

我每星期都带我的科卡犬去美容呢。I take my cocker spaniel to be groomed once a week.

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希望我们的可卡犬菲拉健康长寿。I hope our Cocker Spaniel Fila health and longevity.

我可能是你能找到的最大只的英国科卡犬。I am probably the chubbiest English Cocker you can find.

我们认为它是借用小黄犬和爱尔兰塞特种猎犬的混种。We think he's part cocker spaniel and part Irish setter.

可卡是运动犬组中最小的。The cocker spaniel is the smallest member of the sporting group.

英国可卡犬是能够在浓密的灌木丛中和丘陵地带狩猎的猎犬。The English Cocker is capable of hunting in dense cover and upland terrain.

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蛋糕的主角是他的黑白色可卡犬,还戴着一副他的眼镜。The cake featured his black and white Cocker Spaniel wearing a pair of his glasses

她开始她的演讲与“大多数人并不真正了解卡犬”。She began her lecture with "Most people don't really understand the Cocker Spaniel".

杰克逊,美国可卡犬的美容领域,在他的品种判断。Jackson, an American Cocker Spaniel, in the grooming area before judging of his breed.

那只小猎狗听到动静,也从谷仓里跑出来,加入了追捕行动。The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ran out from the barn to join the chase.

杰克逊则反戈一击,表示科克是嫉妒自己的人气。Sidestepping the accusation, Jackson claimed Cocker was just jealous of his popularity.

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一些受欢迎的成员,体育组是黄金猎犬和卡犬。Some popular members of the Sporting Group are the Golden Retriever and the Cocker Spaniel.

英国可卡犬有许多羽状饰毛,但不会多到影响他在野外工作。The English Cocker is well-feathered, but not so profusely as to interfere with field work.

当看到好友曼蒂和她的小曲卡犬时,她总会大声说“哈罗,曼蒂!When she saw her friend Mandy walking her cocker spaniel, she would call out, “Hello, Mandy!

如果你认为拥有一只可卡,可以教育你的孩子服有责任心,这只有一部分是正确的。You think that having a cocker will help teach your children responsibility. this is partially correct.

“我是绝不会吃狗肉的,”路易莎·杨一边抱着她的宠物可卡犬一边说,“这太残忍了!”"I would never eat dog meat, " said Louisa Yong, as she clutches her pet cocker spaniel. "It's so cruel!"

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宠物我也养得多了,有过乌龟、蛇、老鼠、鱼、变色龙、鸭子,甚至还有一直可卡犬。For pets, I had turtles, snakes, mice, fish, salamanders, chameleons, ducks, and, finally, a cocker spaniel.

当时还只有13岁在操场上踢球,就像是在追逐风中银色纸片的小猎犬。He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.

就在它主人四岁的儿子想给它洗澡的时候,这只可卡犬被冲进了马桶里。The cocker spaniel was accidently flushed down a toilet when the owner's four-year-old son tried to wash the animal.