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震中距克赖斯特彻奇市56公里。The epicenter was 56 km from Christchurch.

黄色表示城区,包括克赖斯特彻奇市。Yellow shows urban areas, including Christchurch.

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请问您为什么要到新西兰的基督城师范学院学习?Why do you want to study at Christchurch College of Education?

巴克斯特·高兰的葬礼在克赖斯特彻奇一个小教堂举行。High-Lan Baxter's funeral held in a small church in Christchurch.

在叙述中,如果他问,它是基督城道路南方。In saying, if he ask, that it was south of the Christchurch road.

基督城机场已经重新开放。Christchurch Airport has reopened and operations have recommenced.

1997年基督城在世界花园城竞赛夺冠,获得世界花园城称号。In 1997, Christchurch won the title of "Garden City of the World".

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南部克赖斯物彻奇和南方遥远的昆士城。Christchurch on the South Island and Queenstown, further to the south.

他们最长的一段旅程历经了6个小时,从克赖斯特彻奇到皇后镇。Their longest journey was a 6 hour drive from Christchurch to Queenstown.

克赖斯特彻奇位于新西兰的南岛,被誉为花园城市。Christchurch is on New Zealand’s South Island and is known as the Garden City.

这是近5个月来,克赖斯特彻奇发生的第二起强烈地震。This is almost 5 months, Christchurch was the second strong earthquake occurred.

由于基督城地震,经济活动被显著地干扰。Economic activity has been significantly disrupted by the Christchurch earthquake.

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四小时21分钟之后,我们准点到达基督城火车站。Right on time, after four hours and 21 minutes, we drew into Christchurch station.

享受了昆斯敦市的绝佳美景后再由基督城乘飞机回家。Take in the breathtaking scenery around Queenstown before flying home from Christchurch.

在这架从布伦亨飞往基督城的飞机上没有发现爆炸物。No explosives were found on the plane, which was on a flight from Blenheim to Christchurch.

基督城地区有强烈震感,另外,但尼丁,Rolleston和Rangiora也有较强震感。Christchurch area strongly felt, in addition, Dunedin, Rolleston and Rangiora have felt strong.

整个城市的空气中弥漫着煤气的味道,克赖斯特彻奇大教堂的一部分也被毁。The city's air was filled with the smell of gas, part of Christchurch Cathedral is also destroyed.

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基督城机场已经关闭,新闻大厦也受到严重损毁。Christchurch airport was closed and The Press building, a center for newspapers, was badly damaged.

照片显示,克赖斯特彻奇城内到处是断壁残垣,部分建筑完全损毁。Photo shows, Christchurch city are everywhere, partly damaged buildings completely smoldering rubble.

坎特伯雷大学位于新西兰南岛,坎特柏林地区的花园城市基督城。Canterbury university in New Zealand's south island, Kent Berlin region of garden city in Christchurch.