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闻闻防晒油。Smell the suntan lotion.

夏天怎么样可以不晒黑?How need not summer suntan ?

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为什么太阳会把皮肤晒黑?。Why can the sun suntan the skin?

小孩们通常会在海滩上筑沙堡。People often suntan on the beach.

电脑会把人的皮肤晒黑吗?Can computer suntan the person's skin?

她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上。She smoothed suntan lotion over her arms.

海滩是个让皮肤晒成古铜色的好地方。The beach is a good place to get a suntan.

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所以,防晒是皮肤损伤的条件显示。So, suntan is a condition showing skin damage.

希望玩的安全,并且不要忘记擦防晒霜哦!Play it safe and don't forget the suntan lotion!

黑色素使皮肤变黑是人被晒黑的原因。Melanin darkens the skin and is the cause of suntan.

干的皮肤容易晒黑还是湿的皮肤容易晒黑?Does dry skin suntans easily or wet skin suntan easily?

在日光下晒太阳以把皮肤晒成黑色的人。Someone who basks in the sunshine in order to get a suntan.

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几百年前,晒黑的皮肤是暴露劳工身份的标记。A hundred years ago a suntan was the telltale mark of a laborer.

夏天的时候,我喜欢躺在海滩上享受著日光浴。I like to lay myself on the beach enjoying the suntan in summer.

我正在晒太阳,一些报纸吹到我的脸上。I was catching a suntan and these papers started blowin' in my face.

艾力克忘了擦防晒油,结果现在全身通红像只龙虾似的。Erik forgot to put suntan lotion on, and now he's as red as a lobster.

皮肤能晒黑,为什么头发白了晒不黑?。The skin can suntan , why did the head become white bask in not black?

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你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF30.

理由经得起时间的流逝,然而借口会迅速褪色,比晒黑更容易。Reasons withstand the test of time while excuses fade before a suntan does.

红发女郎说,“幸好我带了些防晒油,起码我们不会被晒伤。”The redhead says, "I brought some suntan lotion so we don't get sunburned."