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卡宴是辣椒。Cayenne is a chili pepper.

辣椒—充当天然止痛剂Cayenne pepper – acts as a natural analgesic

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辣椒也被用来作为抗炎药和抗氧化剂。Cayenne is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

加入蟹肉,红椒,奶酪,葱,欧芹和辣椒粉,混合均匀。Stir in the crab, red pepper, cheese, onions, parsley and cayenne.

在中国,保时捷卡宴的销售取得了巨大的成功。Porsche has had remarkable success selling the large Cayenne there.

供试植物为芝麻、烟草、小麦、紫花苜蓿和辣椒五种。The plants tested were sesame, tobacco, wheat, alfalfa and cayenne pepper.

保时捷的凯宴和途锐有着相类似的设计因为两款车型分享同一个设计平台。Porsche's Cayenne is similar in design, since both models share the same platform.

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在热水中加一茶匙辣椒据说能促进血液循环、让身体暖和起来。A teaspoon of cayenne pepper is said to spur blood flow and add warmth to the body.

将蒜泥加入黄油、辣椒粉,搅拌直到充分混合。Add butter, granulated garlic, and cayenne and whirl until smooth and well blended.

这台最高性能版卡宴的悬挂比一般的SUV要低。This ultra-sports model of the Cayenne has a suspension lowered from the usual SUV.

它的原生动力涡轮法相比较,一辆保时捷卡宴以小量的价格。It has the raw power to out-perform a Porsche Cayenne Turbo at a fraction of the price.

他们将展示卡宴特殊的赛道上与游客在乘客座位。They will demonstrate the Cayenne on a special track with visitors in the passenger seat.

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如果没有熏制过的辣椒,放一些辣椒粉也行。If you can't find smoked paprika, a little cayenne pepper or chilli powder would be lovely.

使用断食法,你将依靠柠檬水生活,其中加入辣椒粉和枫糖。With the master cleanse, you’ll subsist on lemon water with cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

举个例子,一丁点的红辣椒,就可以使一碟菜辣得让一些人难以下咽。Just a dash of cayenne pepper, for example, can make a dish too fiery for some people to eat.

“玛莎拉蒂酷邦”预计将于2013投入到SUV市场,届时将直接与保时捷旗下的卡宴展开竞争。“Maserati Kubang” will enter the SUV market in 2013 to rival directly with the Porsche Cayenne.

辣椒粉富含的辣椒素可以促进血液流通,同时降低胆固醇含量。The powder cayenne contains capsaicin, which improves blood circulation while reducing cholesterol.

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它只会对Cayenne进行处理,并为用户提供扩展点,以便自定义Cayenne的行为。It will just deal with Cayenne, and provide extension points for users to customize Cayenne behavior.

它的目标是装载、管理Cayenne的运行时,但在其他方面都尽量不作为。It's goal is to load and manage the Cayenne runtime, but otherwise to stay as unassuming as possible.

俗称“洋辣子”,果树、行道树和林木害虫,刺蛾科。Known as "the yankees, fruit trees and trees with cayenne" and forest tree pests, thorn moth division.