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有红色和黑色丝绒两种颜色。It comes in red or black velour.

丝绒质地更加柔软,尺寸也更大。Velour provides extra softness and size.

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柔软的丝绒亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.

柔软的丝绒织物亲贴皮肤。Soft velour thermal fabric nuzzles the skin.

丝绒生产在我国已有两千年的历史。In China, velour making dates back to two thousand years ago.

她丈夫把作品装裱在绒纸上,并制作了画框。Her husband mounts the work on velour paper and makes the frame.

天鹅绒材质的耳罩即使佩戴非常久,脑袋也不会感觉太热。The velour earpads do not overheat my head even after extensive use.

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绒是一种表面布满绒毛或绒圈的织物。Velour is a kind of fabric the surface of which is full of plush or pile.

把一边的小圈圈全部剪掉的面料就叫做丝绒。When the loops have been sheared off on one side, the fabric is known as velour.

前方航海标志,皮革天鹅绒手提,旁边两个拉练口袋。Nautical embroidery fronts a leather-trimmed velour tote with two outside zip pockets.

它的个特别的天鹅绒内面,省油速度控制器和其它种种特色。It comes with a special velour interior, cruise control and a variety of other features.

应用溶胶—凝胶法的基本原理,进行了丝绒在酸性染料染色中的固色研究。The fixation of acid dyes on velour was studied according to the basic principle of sol-gel.

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有毛巾布和天鹅绒的外套供选择。外套可拆洗。Poly Terry or Velour fabric for your choice, and the outer cover can be removed for easy clean.

她用力地拍打一块印有深色花纹的丝绒窗帘,在阳光的照射下,一团浮尘徐徐上升。She whacked the dark floral pattern on the velour curtain, and a lazy haze of dust spun in the sunlit window.

它可以轻易坐六个人,它的个特别的天鹅绒内面,省油。It easily seats six people. It comes with a special velour interior, cruise control and a variety of other features.

卡特勒卡本尼苏维翁展现了复杂的薄荷味的香料芳香,并且赋有丰盈的果香和天鹅绒般成熟的单宁。Cutler Crest Cabernet Sauvignon shows a complex mint-spice nose with a mouthful of fruit and a velour of ripe tannins.

精致秀美的波浪型窄花边条,和富有光泽质感的丝绒带组合,更加凸现柔美的女性气质和温馨的居家情怀。Refinement & pretty wave narrow lace , take a combination with lucidus ruban velour , underline more female ' s gentle & soft habitude and the feeling of daily life at home.

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详情Screenprinted徽标与晶体闪闪发光的装饰着柔软的丝绒拉链周围的一个签名的'J'的背面心补丁的钱包。Juicy Couture Scotty Bling Clutch WalletDetailsScreenprinted logo sparkling with crystals embellishes a soft velour zip-around wallet with a signature 'J' heart patch on the back.

凯思琳?科瑞斯一头南瓜色的秀发飘垂在她那耀眼的丝绒红色短上衣上,在其位于格拉斯顿伯里的舞室地板上,她流畅而安静地舞动着,仿若一条在草丛中蜿蜒的蛇。Kathleen Kores, her pumpkin-colored hair flowing over a blazing red velour blouse, moved along the floor of her studio in Glastonbury the way a snake moves in the grass, smoothly and silently.

为了使徒步旅行尽可能方便,她住在外面一个1982年的大货车里,带着金色的粗线毛毯和生锈的天鹅绒沙发,用她的话说,那是“一个令人讨厌的气体醉鬼。”To make the walk logistically possible, she has lived out of a 1982 van — complete with gold-colored shag carpeting and rust velour sofas — that is, by her own admission, “a disgusting gas guzzler.”