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我相信一夫一妻制。I believe in monogamy.

你可曾听说乔治·贝斯特赞成一夫一妻制吗?Did you ever hear of George Best embracing monogamy?

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田鼠的例子对人类的一夫一妻行为有什么样的提示呢?What if anything do voles tell us about human monogamy?

封建一夫一妻制在农民家庭得到实现。The feudalistic monogamy is realized in the farmer's family.

在所有对性的曲解中,一夫一妻制是最不合常理的。Of all the sexual perversions, monogamy is the most unnatural.

他不相信一夫一妻制,正如他对上帝缺乏信仰。He didn't believe in monogamy any more than he believed in god.

琵琶鱼生活在深海中的琵琶鱼有十分奇特的一夫一妻制。Anglerfish This deep-sea fish takes monogamy to a bizarre new level.

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大多数女人在一夫多妻制中受益,而大多数男人在一夫一妻制中受益。Most women benefit from polygyny, while most men benefit from monogamy

最后,教堂可以加强基督教一夫一妻制方面的宣传教育。And thirdly, the church can reinforce the Christian teaching of monogamy.

我们对一夫一妻制的理解主要来自鸟类而非哺乳类。Our understanding of monogamy draws heavily on birds rather than mammals.

很多人显然对一夫一妻制存在着误解。There are apparently some misconceptions about this whole monogamy thing.

鉴于单配偶的哺乳动物几乎不存在,鸟类更接近于不习惯一夫一妻制。Birds are more likely than not to practice monogamy whereas there are very few monogamous mammals.

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强调婚姻自由平等和坚决维护妇女权益是新婚姻法的两个显著特点。Its basic principle is the insistence on the freedom of marriage, gender equality and the monogamy.

好多年了,研究者试图通过两性间的吸引来研究一夫一妻制。Over the years, researchers have tried to explain monogamy by studying attraction between the sexes.

让记录的事实告诉你们双性恋在一夫一妻的失败可能和你们这些异教徒一样!Let the record show that bisexuals are just as likely to fail at monogamy as the rest of you infidels!

在这一文化氛围的时期,要说独具创意的事物,当属真正的一夫一妻制的出现,我们该庆贺才是啊。What would be truly original, at this cultural moment, would be a straight-up celebration of monogamy.

我还希望有这样一个妻子,她对我在性需求方面可能不会老老实实地严格遵守一夫一妻制能够表示理解。And I want a wife who understands that my *ual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy.

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在所有对性的曲解中,一夫一妻制是最不合常理的。Of all the sexual perversions, monogamy is the most unnatural. Most of our affairs run the usual course.

我还希望有这样一个老婆,她对我在性需求方面可能不会老老实实地严格遵守一夫一妻制能够表示理解。And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy.

两年前,在嫁给萨科齐之前不久,布吕尼曾声称“厌烦一夫一妻制”,这在当时广为流传。Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy famously declared that " monogamy bores me" just before marrying Mr Sarkozy two years ago.