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避免日光浴床和太阳灯。Avoid sunlamps and tanning parlours.

尽量避免使用日光灯和晒黑机。And avoid sunlamps and tanning booths.

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晒黑床两种射线都产生。Tanning beds produce both UVA and UVB rays.

今天我去晒太阳灯,想晒黑一点准备去演出。Today, I went tanning so I'd be tan for prom.

人工美黑仪发出的长波紫外线要强烈得多。Tanning parlors emit UVA rays far more intense ly.

在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一。To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes.

是我妈发来一张我裸睡的照片。It was a picture of me tanning naked, sent from mom.

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他们是在皮肤上涂抹太阳油所得到的古铜色肌肤。They get their tans from a bottle of tanning lotion.

硝皮技术于公元七世纪首先传到意大利。Tanning technology was first spread to Italy in 7 A.C.

很多人去阳光浴沙龙并且得到认可。More people go to tanning salons then would ever admit.

我使用欧莱雅的免晒产品已经几年了。I've been using L'oreal sunless tanning products for years.

日光浴也会产生高强度的紫外线。Tanning beds can also produce high levels of U-V radiation.

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事实证明她是对的,这是一瓶该死的晒黑油!Turns out shes right, it is a blasted bottle of tanning oil.

在珊瑚礁中生存有点象生活在美黑床的光线照射下一样。Living on a coral reef is a bit like living in a tanning bed.

从前我去晒黑床作为一名少年和大学生。I used to go to tanning beds as a teenager and college student.

它也是提取丹宁酸或制革工作的重要原料。It is also an important source of tannin for tanning industries.

研究重申了我们多年来对日光浴床所说过的。The study reasserts what we've said about tanning beds for years.

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将柞蚕丝用不同方式进行鞣化处理,使柞蚕丝具有一定的抑菌性。After tanning the tussah silk, it becomes a certain against germs.

的石油,这是赢得了不少人气,作为鞣制油。It's an oil which is gaining a lot of popularity as a tanning oil.

他们花时间在晒黑床上以期皮肤颜色变深。They spend time in tanning beds in hopes to making their skin darker.