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他还为私人住宅和公共建筑物创作立体感强而逼真的错视画。He also creates trompe l'oeil, both in private houses and public buildings.

巨大的画作,整墙的尺寸,用嵌贝术精心包裹着,覆盖在这闪耀的大理石墙上。Monstrous wall-sized paintings, encased with elaborate trompe l’oeil, sheathed

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最初在古希腊得到使用,后在罗马壁画家中也很流行。First employed by the ancient Greeks, trompe l'oeil was also popular with Roman muralists.

马格里特从来不用精密描绘画法,哪怕是短暂地看这种绘画也会完全受骗。Magritte never went so far as trompe l'oeil, where the eye is, if only temporarily, completely tricked.

其他采错视画法的设计中,有一幅雅致的花园景色,黄色的圆柱林立,还钜细靡遗地描绘了一只画眉鸟。Other trompe l'oeil designs include an elegant garden vista, yellow columns and even a meticulously sketched blackbird.

我不由自主地向上看水风筒天花板那眼花缭乱的幻影,当时我就想肯定是大乌鸦在头顶的高空飞翔。My eyes were drawn upward to the stunning illusion of a trompe l’oeil sky and what I decided must be ravens flying high overhead.

视觉变形通常被视作幻形或者镜头效应,但实际上它也是一种合乎逻辑的透视画法。Anamorphism is usually considered a form of Illusion or Trompe loeil, but is really the logical mathematical continuation of Perspective.

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鹿狂蝇幼虫主要寄生于驯鹿的鼻腔、鼻甲及咽喉等部位,并引起相应部位的炎症。The C. trompe mainly parasitize in the nasal cavity, concha and throat of reindeers and cause inflammation reaction of the infected tissues.

表明机体患病后产生大量氧自由基,导致抗氧化能力降低,引发脂质过氧化损伤。The results showed that C. trompe can cause accumulation of oxygen free radical, reduce anti-oxidizing ability, and lead trauma in Rangifer tarandus.

干净的线条,巧妙的错视画木纹墙纸,雪白的桌布提高餐馆的现代橘园的感觉在杀戮的庄园。Clean lines, clever trompe l'oeil wood grain wallpaper, and snow white table linens enhance the feel of a modern Orangery in the restaurant at The Slaughters Manor House.

这种印的处理方法将材质表现出类石状外观,同时,这种对于现代乐器先破碎后重组的表现手法使人产生完美的时空感。The trompe l'oeil treatment of the material made to look like stone, juxtaposed with the form of a modern musical instrument—sliced and rearranged —creates a wonderful sense of time.

真丝雪纺长款连衣裙颜色淡雅细肩带裙摆设计不对称简单随意的包身长款优雅时尚。Desert roses print silk chiffon long dress with thin shoulder straps and asymmetric lower part. Feminine V-neck and trompe l'oeil fabric strips on the sides. Fully lined. Zipper clothing on the side.