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也许你对于自己非常不满意。You may be very discontented with yourself.

直到你开始不满意之前,什么事都不会发生。Nothing happens until you become discontented.

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不满足者坐无宁时。A discontented man knows not where to sit easy.

官员腐败令人民不满。The official corruption discontented the people.

传闻格雷戈尔对她不满,有了外遇。Gregor was rumored to be discontented and having affairs.

难道因为这位数学家是小人,所以才不快乐?Is the mathematician a small man because he's discontented?

人们并不满意,为了改变他们已经沸腾了。The masses are discontented . They’re seething for change.

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当前的罢工浪潮起因于下岗人员的不满情绪。The current strike wave stemmed from the discontented of the laid-off workers.

几个星期以来,他获得了心怀不满的职工阶层的一致欢呼。In the weeks since, he has garnered a chorus of cheers from the discontented working class.

承租人对租用网球帐篷的协议内容不满。The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent.

心中不满足,或身体不舒服,换床换工作,都不会有帮助。Discontented minds, and fevers of the body, are not to be cured by changing beds or businesses.

我情愿做那个年老的,欲壑难填的博士,好友如云,情操高尚。I preferred the elderly and discontented doctor , surrounded by friends and cherishing honest hopes.

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弗勒不满她在伦敦的生活。她说服索姆斯带她去周游世界。Fleur , discontented with her life in London, persuaded Soames to take her on a trip around the world.

一旦你获得必要改变,你将能够把不满感觉抛在身后。Once you achieve the necessary change, you will be able to leave the discontented feelings behind you.

这一结果令主队球迷非常不满,马林的脸色也逐渐阴沉起来。This result makes the home team fan to be discontented , Maring's complexion is also cloudy gradually.

美国人民感到不满,于是中期选举成为了他们发泄怒气的“安全阀门”。Midterms are a safety valve which Americans often use to let off steam when they are in a discontented state.

经济衰退引发了各种不满情绪,烧车者想借此传达“有钱人走开,这里不欢迎你们”的讯息。Those discontented targeted luxury cars, sending a message of "Go away, rich people! You are not welcome here."

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最近有传闻指出,这名18岁的新星对自己在诺坎普的地位感到不满。Recently some hearsays pointed out that this 18 year-old novas feel to oneself in Nuokanpu status are discontented.

在我们衣着光鲜的外表下,都包藏着一颗不安分的祸心。Under our only fresh clothing , headgear and footwear outward appearance, be harbouring a discontented evil intent.

马奇太太一开始不同意这次出行,担心玛格丽特回来后会比去时更添一层不满。March had consented to the visit rather reluctantly, fearing that Margaret would come back more discontented than she went.