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拖运,拖曳,拖船费。To tow by tugboat.

拖轮把货船拖进海港了。The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor.

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一艘拖船鸣响了汽笛,以其严肃而温存的声调加入了合唱。The hooting of a tugboat adds its grave and tender note.

欢迎投标建造两艘拖船。You is invited to tender for construction of two tugboat.

该名男子被放入一个木箱上河岸附近的拖船。The man was put into a wooden box on a tugboat near the riverbank.

港口有拖轮拖曳,无排污,有遣返设施。Tugboat towing ports, no sewage, there is repatriation facilities.

私运者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩。The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.

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走私者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩.The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.

这艘悬挂意大利国旗的“巴克尼亚号”拖船是4月11日在亚丁湾被海盗劫持的。The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden on April 11.

在下水后,后面总是跟随一艘拖船,以防航母出现故障。When she does sail, a large tugboat usually tags along, just in case the carrier breaks down.

索马里海盗4个月前劫持的一艘意大利拖船及其16名船员获得释放。An Italian tugboat and its crew of 16, seized by Somali pirates four months ago, has been released.

海事官员说一艘载有16名船员的意大利属拖船在亚丁湾遭到绑架。Maritime official said an Italian-owned tugboat with 16 sailors on board was seized in the Gulf of Aden.

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轿跑的加速,豪华轿车的舒适,拖轮般的拖力。Sport-sedan acceleration, luxury-car comfort, and tugboat towing make this new Toy the best of the bigs.

沿着海岸北行到大渡船市,原来在港湾里的拖船,如今还留在距离港湾一公里远的内陆居民住家的后院。Further up the coast in Ofunato, the port’s tugboat still sits in someone’s backyard about a kilometer from the water.

港口的拖轮调度过程是一类带特殊工艺约束的并行多机调度问题。The port tugboat operation scheduling is a kind of parallel machines scheduling problem with special process constraint.

本证书仅涉及上述拖轮和平台在本次远洋拖航中的适航性。This Certificate is related only to the seaworthiness of the above-mentioned tugboat and platform for this ocean towage.

否则,斯玛德只能在虚拟世界中模拟拖船驾驶员的行为了。Otherwise, Simard hopes to improve on how the simulation models the behavior of human tugboat pilots in the virtual world.

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本文结合船舶操纵运动数学模型,就港内拖轮协助操船工况下本船的极限航速这一问题进行了深入的研究。This thesis explores the vessel maximum velocity with tugboat assistance in harbor based on the ship maneuvering mathematical model.

我现在在这艘拖船上,我们正以每小时5海里的速度航行,设法尽快到达那里,完成这项任务。I am now on this tugboat and we are sailing at 5 nautical miles per hour, trying to get there as quickly as possible, to complete this mission.

就在联合国安理会通过这项新的决议的几个小时以前,一艘印尼拖轮和一艘土耳其货轮又在亚丁湾被劫持。Just hours before the Security Council adopted the new resolution, an Indonesian tugboat and a Turkish cargo ship were hijacked in the Gulf of Aden.