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安源区各社区积极探索艾滋病干预工作新模式。Anyuan area communities actively explore a new model of AIDS interventions.

萍乡市中填有限责任公司位于萍乡安源经济开发区。Pingxiang city in filling the limited liability company in Pingxiang Anyuan Economic Development Zone.

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安远估计是饿坏了,早饭也没吃,还干了一上午活,几口就把饭扒光了。I'm afraid that Anyuan was hungry as heck for he had worked for a whole morning without having breakfast.

早上六点不到,安远就起床蹬着三轮去进货了。When it was earlier than six o'clock in the morning, Anyuan got up and rode his tricycle to transport goods.

吃完午饭,稍微收拾完,我让安远在角落里找了个地儿打打盹,歇会儿。After lunch, I asked Anyuan to take a nap and have a rest somewhere at the corner after putting things in order.

早期安源的工人图书馆是中国革命图书馆史的一个重要部分。The early workers'library of Anyuan played an important role in the history of the libraries for Chinese revolution.

江西萍乡煤矿,因其主体工程在萍乡安源,又称安源煤矿。Pingxiang Coal Mine in Jiangxi province is also called Anyuan Coal Mine, as its main body is in Anyuan of Pingxiang area.

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江西省安远-寻乌地区位于地幔隆起部位,为一热隆伸展构造区,称安远热隆。The Anyuan-Xunwu area in Jiangxi, located in the mantle-uplifted area, is a hot doming extensional structure district, called Anyuan Hot Doming.

安源国家森林公园位于江西省萍乡市城郊,具有得天独厚的区位优势和丰富的景观资源。Anyuan National Forest Park is located at the suburb of Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province. It has the advantageous geographical superiority and rich scenic resources.

安源区非政府组织将以更加坚定的信心,更加饱满的热情,更加有力的措施,推动艾滋病防治事业不断向前发展。Anyuan area of non-governmental organizations will be more confidence, more enthusiasm, more effective measures to promote the cause of AIDS continue to develop.

近十五年来对刘少奇在安源革命实践历史的研究,不断深化,取得了新的突破,产生了一批较好的研究成果。There has been a new deep breakthrough of researches of Liu Shaoqi's revolutionary activities in Anyuan in the recent 15 years, which achieved comparatively good results.

经过多年来的辛勤建设,安远已发展成具有相当规模,经济效益和社会效益日益增长的现代化重工专业企业。After many years of hard efforts, Anyuan has developed into a modern heavy industrial specialized enterprise with certain scale and increasing economic profit and social profit.