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在被诉人国家。In the country of the defendant.

原告是被告的反义字。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

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原告是被告的反义词。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

被告昨天未到庭。The defendant made default yesterday.

他的一连串假动作没有骗过防守队员…His feints did not fool the defendant.

陪审团判定被告是无辜的。The jury found the defendant innocent.

史女士密斯将担当原告的署理人。Ms. Smith will represent the defendant.

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证词很不利于被告。Evidence weighted against the defendant.

被告人不遵守禁令。The defendant did not obey the interdict.

被告成功地驳回了上诉但是没有得到任何上诉费用。The judge awarded costs to the defendant.

审判人员可以讯问被告人。The judges may interrogate the defendant.

传票已送交给被告。The summons was served upon the defendant.

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被告不安地在椅子上扭动身子。The defendant twisted uneasily in his chair.

被告提出休庭申请.The defendant has applied for an adjournment.

原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud.

此外,被告人多存侥幸心理。In addition, the defendant put fluky psychology.

被控告人无自证其罪的义务。The defendant has no duty of proving it himself.

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讼案费用由被告承担。Costs of the case will be borne by the defendant.

为了拖延审判,被告装病。The defendant feigns illness to prolong the trial.

被告有权提起反诉.The defendant has the right to file a counter-suit.