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毫无疑问,这是好的。This is unquestionably good.

毫无疑问,就是那一天。Unquestionably that will be the day.

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但是公益性的捐献毫无疑问的呈上升趋势。But charitable giving is unquestionably on the up.

他无疑是英国最好的网球手。He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England.

从长计议,最好的无疑是最便宜的。In the long run, the best is unquestionably the cheapest.

毫无疑问,蒋介石的战争机器看来是处于优势的。Unquestionably Chiang had the superior-looking war machine.

这无疑是一个新的和改良除了系列。This is unquestionably a new-and-improved addition to the series.

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毫无疑问,虚拟化可以节省电力和冷却成本。Virtualization unquestionably saves a lot of money on power and cooling.

毫无疑问,约瑟芬·贝克是20世纪最伟大的美国人之一。Baker was unquestionably one of the greatest Americans of the 20th century.

无论易的年龄是19还是22,他无疑是一个移动性强的7尺球员。Whether you believe he's 19 or 22, Yi is an unquestionably mobile 7-footer.

实现它们将无疑会丰富我们对更美好世界的愿景。Achieving them will unquestionably contribute to the vision of a better world.

始建于1868年的勒桦酒庄毫无疑问是勃根蒂地区最杰出的一个。Founded in 1868, Domaine Leroy is unquestionably what the Burgundy does the best.

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威廉夫布格罗无疑是历史上最伟大的艺术天才之一。William Bouguereau is unquestionably one of history's greatest artistic geniuses.

当今网坛安纳科恩毫无疑问是一个最易亲近最为人称道的教练。Annacone is unquestionably one of the most approachable, likeable coaches in tennis today.

如果你无可非议的相信你是对的,那么你就没有办法把事情看的很清楚。If you unquestionably believe that you are right, you are not open to seeing things clearly.

但是,不管什么原因,这无疑对中国的重归平衡的过程是健康的。But, regardless of the cause, this is unquestionably healthy for China’s rebalancing process.

从约1830年到1904年,西方世界占主导地位的文学潮流,无疑是现实主义。From about 1830 to 1904 the dominant literary trend in the Western world was unquestionably realism.

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我用的唇彩就内含橘子精油,可以让我瞬间神采焕发。My lip gloss has the essential oil orange in it which unquestionably lifts my spirits in an instant.

这种相似性无可非议地包括使用人类的语言的能力。This likeness unquestionably included the ability to engage in intelligible speech via human language.

言说,正如我们上次阐述的那样,无疑是,也就是其被发明的目的,为了交流。Speech as we said last time is unquestionably for that is to say we have made it for communication.