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简洁是他的文体的特色。Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

简洁精练或简洁的表达风格。Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

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这种现象在崇尚简洁的英语中是最忌讳的。This kind of phenomenon is a taboo in English, which advocate succinctness.

俞博士设计作品的魅力,就是用非常简练的手法去准确表达与业主们交流的各种理念。The power of Yu's designs is the succinctness with which they communicate his ideas.

协调力模式给出了经验简洁性的量化评估方法。The model of concert force provides a method of dimensional evaluation for the empirical succinctness.

科学的经验简洁性是理论创新和科学进步的合理标准之一。The empirical succinctness of scientific theories is one of the rational indices of scientific progress.

并通过实例证明设计上具有逻辑性、灵活性、系统性和简洁性等特点。The design is characterized by logicality , flexibility, systematization and succinctness by case analysis.

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这荣誉的口才,力和简洁的论点与该作家介绍他或她的意见。It honors the eloquence, force of argument and succinctness with which the writer presents his or her views.

散文创作上,他以为文精悍简练、议论缜密而著称,成为太学生推崇的文章典范,在当时产生了广泛的影响。His works of prose known for succinctness and deliberation were considered the apotheosis by the students and had a wide influence.

这种基于故障树模型的电梯故障诊断方法具有简单、直观、条理清楚的特点,具有良好的应用前景。This diagnostic method, characterized by succinctness and clear consecution, has a favorable prospect of being put into application.

为提高时政新词翻译的质量,根据目的论本文提出三条时政翻译原则,即准确性、简明性、可读性。To improve the quality of translating political neologisms, there are three principles, which are accuracy, succinctness and readability, put forward.

在保证达到检测目的的前提下,快速、高效、简便的检测手段就成了人们追求的目标。On the premise of achieving the intention of the safe testing, people now are searching for new means with celerity , high efficiency and succinctness.

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哥白尼体系取代托勒密体系的重要原因之一在于前者比后者具有更强的经验简洁性。The important reason of Copernicus planetary system replacing the Ptolemaic theory lies in that the former has more empirical succinctness than the latter.

但是,这类研究都是以文学作品为语料而展开的,所得出的结论也未必适用于以简洁精确为主要特征的科技语篇。However, most of these studies are based on the observation of literature works and the findings may not be applicable to sci-tech texts featuring accuracy and succinctness.

它很简洁,而且这种简洁是巧妙的,这使您能在五分钟内编写报告生成器、网络探测、文本过滤器和进程监视器,如果使用其他语言的话需一天的时间才能完成。Its clever succinctness lets you code in five minutes the report generators, network probes, text filters, and process monitors that demand day-long efforts with other languages.

这种基于故障树模型的电梯故障诊断方法具有简单、直观、条理清楚的特点,具有良好的应用前景。And after that, the flowchart of the diagnosis algorithm is given. This diagnostic method, characterized by succinctness and clear consecution, has a favorable prospect of being put into application.