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当事人拒绝按照规定支付公证费的。The party concerned refuses to pay the notarization fees.

如何公证?自己一个人去公证就行了吗?How notarial? Oneself does a person go did notarization go?

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公证质量是公证工作的生命线。The quality of notarization is the lifeline of notary work.

不知李嘉欣结婚前有没有去公证?Before marriage, would you like to do property notarization?

已为有效公证文书所证明的事实。The facts proved by the effective documents of notarization.

标志就象一把托盘天平,象征公平,公证,严明。Like a salver steelyard, stand of fair, notarization and bright.

此次活动由重庆市公证处进行公证。This campaign will be notarized by Chongqing Notarization Bureau.

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公证员应当加入地方和全国的公证协会。A notary shall join in the local and national notarization associations.

在办理赠与时,是必须要经过公证部门公证的。Dealing with donative when must want to pass notarial branch notarization.

在3天之内,您必须发送公证费的会计账目!You must send the Notarization fees to the accounts of the accounting within 3 days!

公证只和不应该使法律意义上被视为房地产交易。Notarization only and should not make legal sense be regarded as real estate transactions.

当事人拒绝按照规定支付公证费的。The party concerned refuses to pay the notarization fees according to relevant regulations.

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第三十四条当事人应当按照规定支付公证费。Article 34 The party concerned shall pay notarization fees in accordance with relevant regulations.

第三十四条当事人应当按照规定支付公证费。Article 34 The party concerned shall pay notarization fees in accordance with the relevant provisions.

公证机关依职权、按程序出具的规范的公证文书基本上都能为法院所采信、为当事人提供帮助。The notarization certificate issued under the limits of functions and powers can be admitted by courts.

网友们认为,结婚是一辈子的事情,做财产公证太不合情理。Marriage is for life and property notarization seems too heartless, they say, the Guangzhou Daily reported.

自然人、法人或者其他组织自愿申请办理的其他公证事项。Other matters that a natural person, legal person or any other organization voluntarily requests for notarization.

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而如果夫妻双方在婚前去做财产公证,恐怕会一开始就埋下了一个互相不信任的祸根。If couples do property notarization before marriage, it equals burying a bomb of mutual distrust from the beginning.

公证的过程同时是公证人证明的过程、判断的过程、引导的过程、预测的过程。The process of notarization is meanwhile the process of certifying, judging, guiding and forecasting by a notary public.

合同公证完成后,我将发送到您的公司地址由FDX合同和原始税单。After the finish of Notarization of contract, I will send the contract and original tax bill to your company address by FDX.