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但作用暂短。But the role of ephemeral.

但是,各种名望都是短暂的。But all kinds of fame are ephemeral.

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三个反足细胞是短命的。Three antipodal cells are ephemeral.

浮躁的欢喜或悲哀,不过是一些过眼烟云。The joy or sorrow, impetuous but some ephemeral.

那法师神秘的攻击一个朝生暮死物体。The mage mystically attacks an ephemeral object.

一个系统的“我”是一个幽灵,是不知晦朔的朝菌。The "I" of a vivisystem is a ghost, an ephemeral shroud.

如果临时磁盘坏了,那么故障的范围仅仅是那台主机。If an ephemeral disk fails, that failure is scoped to that host.

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七夕使转瞬即逝的短暂的时刻得以永恒。Qixi immortalizes one moment that is ephemeral and fast fleeting.

瞬息片刻,可能会成为某些人一辈子拥有过的最重要的回忆。Ephemeral moments can be some of the most significant memories someone can have.

然而,这件非凡器物的脆弱和转瞬即逝的特征只是假象。However, the fragility and ephemeral nature of this unusual object is deceptive.

其先祖为西伯利亚巫医。它们的赠礼是浮暮之血肉。Their Progenitor was a Siberian shaman, and their Bestowment is Ephemeral Flesh.

但这不过只比出售一些转瞬即逝的图像的新鲜行为稍稍欠缺了些魅力而已。This is just a less than charismatic new way of flogging a few ephemeral images.

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交流的短暂性更加强了我对社交媒介的不信任。My mistrust of social media is intensified by the ephemeral nature of these communications.

短暂的名望建立在稍纵即逝的创造之上,为什么我们会对此大为惊异呢?Why should we be surprised to find a fleeting fame built upon the most ephemeral of creations?

1963和1973年此冰川发生的最重要的两次推进由于冰块阻塞都形成了短暂存在的湖泊。Major surges in 1963 and 1973 caused the formation of ephemeral lakes that swelled behind the ice.

人住的房屋好象会因人而短寿,上帝住的房屋也会因上帝而永存似的。It seems as though man's lodging partook of his ephemeral character, and God's house of his eternity.

怎么样能使我们将这种“活跃的冷静”和静寂的感觉来运用在禅宗艺术外的设计呢?How might we bring a feeling of "active calm" and stillness to ephemeral designs outside the Zen arts?

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在澳大利亚中部,跨越数州的边界,横布着一个面积广阔的季节性湖泊。In central Australia, spanning the borders between several states, lies an expanse of ephemeral lakes.

性网志作家通过聪明的自拍和短暂的出境激化他们博客的使命。Sex bloggers radicalize the blogging mission through witty self-photography and ephemeral appearances.

这一时期的历史,基本上便是这种标志和符号的集合,富有煽动性,却又短命。The history of the period is mainly a collection of such emblems and symbols, evocative but ephemeral.