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达力立刻不装哭了。Dudley stopped pretending to cry at once.

杜德利也有他自己的公关问题。Mr Dudley has had PR problems of his own.

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达德利演奏了仅有的音乐插曲。Dudley provided the only musical interludes.

“不知道,”达力低声说,“再见,哈利。”"Dunno, " muttered Dudley. "See you, Harry. "

达力很快就找到了馆里最大的一条巨蟒。Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the place.

先听听为达德利和斯蒂芬斯作出的辩护。Let's hear first from the defense of Dudley and Stevens.

亚伦班奈,彼得库克,乔纳森米勒和杜德利摩尔。Alan Bennett, Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller & Dudley Moore.

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在1991年,达力进入了斯梅廷学校--他父亲的母校。In 1991, Dudley went to Smeltings, his father's old school.

十年以后,达力仍然是圆圆胖胖,有金色卷发。Ten years later, Dudley was still chubby and had blond curls.

十年以后,达力仍然是圆圆胖胖,有金色卷发。Ten years later, Dudley was still chubby and had blond curls.

十年以后,达力仍然是圆圆胖胖,有金色卷发。Ten years later, Dudley was still chubby and had blonde curls.

BP新任首席执行官鲍勃•达德利称,公司已经修正了发展路线。BP's new CEO Bob Dudley says the company has righted its course.

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布鲁克斯成了目击证人,达德利和斯蒂芬斯则成了被告。Brooks turned state's witness. Dudley and Stevens went to trial.

请不要强调你的手,并尝试遇到的斯塔德利达德利。Do not overplay your hand and try to come across as Studley Dudley.

达德利日记里描述的得救情形,委婉得让人震惊。Dudley describes their rescue in his diary with staggering euphemism.

杜斯利真是对他们儿子达德里愚蠢的可怜的信任。The Dursleys really were astonishingly stupid about their son, Dudley.

达力看到这两个男女巫师,吓得又往妈妈跟前缩了缩。Dudley shrank nearer to his mother at the sight of the witch and wizard.

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“哦,”达力重重地坐下来,抓起离他最近的一只礼包,“那好吧。”" Dudley sat down heavily and grabbed the nearest parcel. "All right then.

哈利假装要使用魔咒,叫不识趣的达力滚蛋。Harry used the threat of magic spells to get rid of the sniffy Dudley Dursley.

哈利正在煎蛋的时候,达力和他母亲一起来到厨房。Harry was frying eggs by the time Dudley arrived in the kitchen with his mother.