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现在就到人行天桥上大声练英语!Yell English on an overpass right now!

沿着这条街走下去,直到你看到一座天桥。Go down this street until you come to an overpass.

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他们在一座立交桥的上方又建了一座立体交叉桥。They built an overpass that overbuilt another one.

一片巨大的灰尘腾空而起,一座高架桥瞬间消失了。A HUGE cloud of dust rose and an overpass disappeared.

城里在公路上建了一座过街天桥。The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway.

在那条街的拐角处正在建起一个过街天桥。An overpass is being put up at the corner of the street.

他们在天桥下避难,从火中开车逃出来。They'd taken refuge under an overpass to ride out the flames.

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向右转,你可以看到在十字路口有一座行人过街天桥。Turn to the right, you can see a pedestrian overpass at the intersection.

在每一个交点处都有一条是地面通道,一条是地下通道。Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass.

他们稍微放掉车胎的气以让卡车在跨线桥下行驶。They deflated the tires slightly to allow the truck to drive under the overpass.

我说不上,可我想在立交桥上应该向右拐,而你却向左拐了。I can not say, but I think you should turn right at the overpass while you turn left.

屏风上面画的是“老北京天桥八怪”富有北京特色。Screen top painting is"the old Beijing overpass eight weird"rich Beijing characteristics.

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陈浩万般无奈来到过街天桥卖唱,挣房租和生活费。Chen Hao has no alternative come to overpass sing for a living, make chummage and living cost.

该泥火山在2010年2月11日同一地点所摄图像中并未出现,如图2所示。The mud volcano was absent in a previous overpass on February 11, 2010, shown in the lower image.

都市的变化,令人错愕。公园的喷水池,盖起了高架道路。The changes of the cities made people surprised. The fountain in the park was re built as an overpass.

卡扎菲住所附近的一个天桥上挤满了人,而一小时前反对派刚刚占领了这个天桥。An overpass near the complex, where rebels had taken up positions an hour before, thronged with people.

远期将采用分离式立交方案,彻底解决交叉口问题。In the future, a separation overpass plan would be adopted to resolve the intersection problem totally.

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当你穿过马路,要走人行横道或过街天桥,地下通道。When one crosses the street, one should take the crosswalk, underground passage or pedestrian overpass.

一位消防员试图劝服一头牛从翻倒在地的拖车上下来,这辆拖车在新墨西哥州的Roswell地区的一处立交桥上翻车。A firefighter tries to coax cattle from a trailer that overturned at an overpass in Roswell, New Mexico.

香港码头,往日堆叠起来隐约高过天桥的集装箱如今无迹可寻。At Hong Kong docks, the stacks of shipping containers that used to loom above the highway overpass are gone.