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别的孩子撺掇他去打架。The other boys egged him on fight.

其他孩子怂恿他去打架。The other boys egged him on to fight.

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别的孩子撺掇他去打架。Who egged the boys on to fight each other?

他怂恿她扔一块石头打破窗户。He egged her on to throw a stone through the window.

在回复中,有一些网民怂恿他付诸行动。In response, some other users of the site egged him on.

在妻子的怂恿下,马克白计划谋杀他的国王。Egged on by his wife, Macbeth planned to murder his king.

在他的英国同伴的怂恿下,他在19.5小时内完成了这段路程。Egged on by his fellow Brits, he completed the run in 19.5 hours.

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她撺掇其丈夫攒钱自己开店做生意。She egged her husband on to save up some money and start his own business.

这个过程是由一股新的外国资本、理念和人员的流入鼓动起来的。That process was egged on by a new influx of foreign money, ideas and people.

桑德拉·弗农是一位和我一起在山丘上学习的学员,她已经47岁了,有3个孩子。Sandra Vernon, a 47-year-old mother of three in my class on the dune, egged me on.

实际上欧洲央行鼓励金融市场一体化刺激了融资。Indeed it egged on the integration of financial markets that spurred the financing.

在达尔文鼓动下,1847年胡克建议皇家海军立即实施一项精心设计的计划。Egged on by Darwin, in 1847 Hooker advised the Royal Navy to set in motion an elaborate plan.

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在她们父亲的怂恿之下,俩姊妹决定施以报复,惩罚那些给她们嘘声的印第安维尔斯球迷和网球界。But the sisters, egged on by their father, decided to punish the fans at Indian Wells and the tennis world for booing them.

浚见玥刻意与自己保持距离,在荣怂恿下向玥查问,更坦言有追求之意。He heaped see unintended and distance ourselves in glory, egged on by admitting he inquired, to pursue the meaning of a more.

但是,任何想要通过暴力来颠覆政变的企图也是错误的,在查韦斯的怂恿下,塞拉亚似乎想要这么做。But it is similarly wrongheaded to seek to reverse the coup through violence, as Mr Zelaya, egged on by Mr Chávez, seems to wish.

可怜的乔西扎着可怕的偏马尾,带着牙套,是学校里倍受嘲笑的对象,在一次本该约会成功的舞会上,她还被鸡蛋砸了。Poor Josie with her horrible side-ponytail and dental headgear is the butt of every joke at her school and gets egged by her supposed date on prom night.

火从大楼的二楼窜出,歹徒将办公室的家具从窗户扔出,他们是被30万人群中的强硬派调唆的。Fires were started on two floors of the building and the mob threw furniture from an office window as they were egged on by hardline elements in the crowd of 300,000 people.

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现在,受近年韩国歌手、演员走红的鼓舞,亚洲各家电视台更乐于播出这个邻国的电视、音乐节目,而非美国货。Now, egged on by the popularity of South Korean singers and actors in recent years, Asian broadcasters are more comfortable using their neighbors' TV dramas or music instead of American fare.