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躲毛窦或囊肿切除术。Excision of pilonidal sinus or cyst.

垂体切除,VP含量变化?Do excision , VP contents change a hypophysis?

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有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。Excision of an obnoxious passage was required.

膝闭节半月硬骨切除术。Excision of semilunar cartilage of knee joint.

方法采用早期削痂自体全厚皮片移植。Methods Early tangential excision and full thickness skin grafting.

实性肿瘤多为恶性,手术切除率低。Most of parenchymatous tumors were malignant, which excision rate was low.

这位患者接受了广泛性切除以及皮肤移植的治疗。The patient was treated with wide excision and split-thickness skin graft.

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术中使用重复校准确定切除充分。Reregistration allowed intraoperative confirmation of adequacy of excision.

抗生素治疗后进行切除和引流治疗。Subsequent excision and drainage were performed after antibiotic treatment.

肾、输尿管和膀胱袖状切除术是主要的治疗方法。Nephroureterectomy with excision of bladder cuff is the treatment of choice.

只有某些小面积的全厚度烧伤才可施行初期切除。Only certain small full-thickness burns lend themselves to initial excision.

目的探讨自体角膜缘移植在翼状胬肉治疗中的作用。Objective To discuss the effect of pterygium excision with limbal autografts.

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目的观察耻骨直肠肌部分切除术的治疗效果。Objective To observe the effects of partial excision of muscoli puborectalis.

病人于此肿瘤切除后三年期间并无复发。There has been no recurrence three years after total excision of this papule.

胆囊摘除并胃切除患者日常饮食应注意什么?。What should is gallbladder excised and diet of gastric excision patient notice?

术前PVE和两步肝切除术可提高手术安全性和切除率。PVE and two-stage hepatectomy can raise the operation safety and excision rates.

目的探讨颅内肿瘤术后复发的原因及其治疗方法。Objective To discuss the palindromic treatment of excision of intracranial tumor.

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完全切除而不牺性重要构造。为治疗之选择。Complete excision without sacrifice of vital structure is the treatment of choice.

但切除喉上神经的外支可使患者的音域发生改变。But on the excision throat nerve outside may cause patient's range to have the change.

治疗主要采取手术、局部放疗和全身化疗。Treatments for PLB included local excision and radiotherapy, and systemic chemotherapy.