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解放自己-接受责任!Liberate yourself – Accept responsibility!

我将搬出嘻皮社区。I'd liberate myself from the Hippy Commune.

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我们再次解放他们一次。Hopefully we don'thave to liberate them again.

那我们怎么把优秀男人从其他女人那里解放出来?So how do we liberate desirable men from other women?

权利既解放个人,也解放社会。Rights liberate both the community and the individual.

世界将他碾成了碎片,而我要解放他。It is the world that pulverizes him and I who liberate him.

如有国家需要12.8万艘运兵舰去解放他们。Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them.

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意大利想要解放奥匈帝国。Italy wanted to liberate territory from the Austro-Hungarians.

最适合解放碑周围工作人士租用栖身。Suit to liberate personage of tablet periphery job to be hired most.

两者相加,建立公社后共解放出155个劳动力。Both addition, establish commune post-communist liberate 155 a Labour.

极权主义不但不解放人,反而剥夺人的尊严,使人成为奴隶。It does not liberate man, but takes away his dignity and enslaves him.

正是这些手段的有效组合帮助利比亚实现了解放。It was this effective combination of tools that helped liberate Libya.

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只有共同的理解和同情能够解放我们。Only understanding and compassion on a collective level can liberate us.

是为了从马克思主义者的苛政解放普通中国人的行动。It is an action to liberate general Chinese from Marxist's misgovernment.

应该把解放生产力和发展生产力两个讲全了。The aim of our revolution is to liberate and expand the productive forces.

他们决心把人民从傀儡政权的黑暗统治下解放出来。They were determined to liberate the people from the puppet regime's dark rule.

美国曾帮助把一个大陆从一个狂人的铁蹄下解放出来。America is the country that helped liberate a continent from the march of a madman.

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但杰森下士偷回他的种马并释放其他马匹。But Corporal Locklin arrives to steal back his stallion and liberate the other horses.

我想胡主席只要能实现一个梦想就足矣,那就是解放台湾!I think it's enough for Chairman Hu to realize one dream, that is to liberate Tai Wan.

亚伯拉罕去解救了,他的一些被绑架的亲戚。Abraham has gone off to liberate some of his kinsmen who have been kidnapped for ransom.