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让我的膝盖不能打弯!I can't bend my knees!

缓慢曲膝。Slowly bend the knees.

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我只要俯下身去,就折不断。I bend and I break not.

那边是最后一个弯。Yonder is the last bend.

双膝微微弯曲。Bend your knees slightly.

腿不会打弯儿了。He can not bend his legs.

江河的U形弯曲内侧的陆地。A U-shaped bend in a river.

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用加热体例来弯管子。Bend the pipe by heating it.

不指定折弯的止裂槽。Do not specify bend reliefs.

您先把您的双膝屈起来。Plese bend your knees first.

那儿有不打弯的柳树。Where the willow don't bend.

若有必要,可以屈膝。Bend your knees if necessary.

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不要为五斗米折腰哦!Don't bend over for the soap.

别试著折弯汤匙。Do not try and bend the spoon.

铁栏会弯曲和折断。Iron bars will bend and break.

把铁棒弄弯很不轻易。It's hard to bend an iron bar.

只是当我弯下的时候,感觉很疼。Just when I bend it, it hurts.

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懒惰能磨去才智的矛头。Sloth turneth the bend of wit.

急弯处河流或道路的急拐弯处。A sharp bend ina river or road.

空间弯矣,我唯曲之。Space is curved so I must bend.