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被拒牵后的申请者可以重新申请吗?Can a refused applicant re-apply?

签证费每人250元人民币。Visa Fee of RMB 250 per applicant.

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申请人必须于此栏签署。Applicant must sign in this section.

他上上下下地打量那个求职者。He looked the applicant up and down.

提案者须年满18岁,国籍不限。Applicant must be at least 18 years old.

他是入党申请人。He is the applicant for Party membership.

申请者具有侨生身分。The applicant has overseas Chinese status.

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以前申请签证是否被拒签?。Was Pakistan visa ever refused to applicant?

每一申请人须满十八周岁及以上。Each Applicant must be aged 18 years and above.

若未填写报告单位则默认为申请单位。Applicant will be the default name in the report.

女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期。Female applicant pregnant if yes date of L. M. P.

您认为申请人还有何信息有助于申请本课程?May we call you at work regarding this applicant?

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申请者须持有效的驾驶执照。The applicant shall hold a valid driving licence.

女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期。Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L. M. P.

本计划下申请人可借多少贷款?。How much can an applicant borrow under the Scheme?

这个申请者远比那一个好。This applicant is by far the better than that one.

此部份须由申请人填写。This section should be completed by the applicant.

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第4项至第10项请申请人自行准备。Applicant has to prepare documents of item 4 to 10.

申请单位是否有详细的电脑客户档案?Does applicant has detail computerized customer file?

澳门凯旋门凯旋会卡是由澳门凯旋门发出。The L'Arc card is sent to the applicant by L'Arc Macau.