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承认罪恶。Confession of sin.

他已在口供上签字画押。He has signed his confession.

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他出其不意地使我招认了。He surprised me into confession.

他的供词使大家都感到意外。His confession surprised everyone.

坦白是悔悟的一个标志。Confession is one mark of repentance.

认错改正一半错。Confession of a fault make half amend.

这份供词是严刑逼供得来的。The confession was made under torture.

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他彻底交代了自己的罪行。He made a full confession of his crime.

首先我还要承认另一点。I should start with another confession.

他被迫招供。He was coerced into making a confession.

他向着她的尸体忏悔起来。And to the dead thing he made confession.

忏悔解除了她心中的忧虑Confession disburdened her mind of anxiety.

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认罪是悔罪的开端。Confession is the first step to repentance.

我还能剩什麽?在书写这悔过书。What I he left? In writing this confession.

达蒙为西塞斯的坦白感到惊讶。Damon was surprised by Thiessens confession.

山东馆的孔子像为何是国字脸?Are your words that day a kind of confession?

他的口供是警方逼迫招认的。His confession was strong-armed by the police.

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天主教徒通过告解以获得赦罪。Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin.

他的坦白引起了人们嘲讽的嘘叫。His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.

他们对他进行刑讯逼供。They extorted a confession from him by torture.