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芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香。Parsley sage, rosemary and thyme.

我很高兴小迷迭香在这里。I am glad Little Rosemary is here.

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在办公室养一盆迷迭香。Keep a rosemary plant in your office.

露西玛丽疯狂的想要拿回那些钱。Rosemary was frantic to get the money back.

也可以少量加点迷迭香与薄荷,一起来泡茶。Brew into tea with a little rosemary and mint.

天然氨基酸、植物酵素、迷迭香。The natural amino acids . Plant enzyme, rosemary.

搭配羔羊肉片佐以薄荷或迷迭香十分美味。Seared lamb fillet with a mint and rosemary crust.

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那里薰衣草、芝麻花、迷迭香和百里香。There lavender, sesame flower, rosemary and thyme.

茶树油、德国洋甘菊、快乐鼠尾草、迷迭香等。Tea Oil, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Rosemary and so on.

迷迭香是一种烹饪用药草,也用于精油。Rosemary is a culinary herb as well as essential oil.

有机玫瑰果油,玫瑰精油,薄荷。Certified Organic Rosehip Oil , Rosemary , Peppermint.

杰洛特首次遇见他是在迷迭香和百里香外面。Geralt first meets him outside the Rosemary and Thyme.

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鸡髀去骨,用腌料及露丝玛莉香草略腌。Bone chicken thigh. Marinate with marinade and rosemary.

搭配烤羊腿并佐以蒜蓉、迷迭香鲜美可口。Ideal with roasted leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary.

勤奋一些,常做些迷迭香鸡吃吃吧。Keep your fingers crossed and eat some rosemary chicken.

完美地混合了迷迭香及青柠的香气。A perfect blend of rosemary with a bright splash of lime.

最著名的提高记忆力的草本植物是迷迭香。One of the most famous memory-enhancing herbs is rosemary.

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最著名的提高记忆力的草本植物之一是迷迭香。One of the most famous memory-enhancing herbs is rosemary.

杜松、西柚、迷迭香是很好的利尿剂。Juniper Berry, Grapefruit and Rosemary are good for diuretic.

迷迭香的火腿鸡扒洋葱剁碎成精。Chop onions for prosciutto rosemary chicken into a fine mince.