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因为对不对都全无价值。It is all valueless anyway.

这些材料现在对我们毫无价值了。These materials are now valueless to us.

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不过,丝弦二胡真的已经毫无价值了吗?However, is silk-string Er-Hu really valueless?

我们的立场是直接将这些纸币交给我们,因为它们已经毫无价值了。Our position is just to give it to us because it is valueless.

没有通行证的钻石在合法交易市场上一文不值。Without certification, they are valueless on the legitimate market.

证券价低其真价值师其应市场价值。The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless.

这种态度如果不能反映内心的认知和把握就毫无价值。Such attitudes are valueless unless they reflect inner cognition and certainty.

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欧阳中石先生是中国当代著名的书法家,他的作品可以说是一字千金。Ouyang Zhongshi is a famous calligrapher in contemporary China, his works is valueless.

学术期刊不再接受反向推理的投稿,因为谬论毫无价值。Scholarly journals no longer accept manuscripts for publication that make this fallacy, because they are valueless.

泥沙俱下、良莠不齐的内容促使人思考,这是一个教育我们自己的机会。The stark juxtaposition of valuable and valueless content sets one to thinking. Here is an opportunity to educate us all.

在没有“情绪”右脑过滤无价值思维的情况下,“逻辑”左脑只会无止境的进行重复思维。The left "logical" brain can run in endless repeating circuits without the right "emotional" brain to filter out valueless thoughts.

另外,成为那些节目受害者的青少年,对人类硬起心肠,并开始认为生命并无价值。What's more, teenagers, fall victim to those programs in hardening their hearts to human beings and starting to see life as valueless.

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他提出一种社会有机论,以此说明个人从属于社会,没有独立存在的价值。He came up with a theory of social organism to prove that individuals are submissive to the society and valueless as individual beings.

安全文化建设的难点就在于能否坚决落实,百分之百地执行,否则只会流于形式、纸上谈兵。The difficulty of building safety culture is to carry out firmly. The safety culture will be valueless if it couldn't be carried out firmly.

只有在晚上她才能被使用,因为在那个国家银先令被认为是毫无价值的假币,在白天用的话会被发现的。She was used only in the dark night because the Silver Shilling was a valueless imitation in that country when she would be discovered in the day.

当你爱上一个人,他践踏你的感情和感觉,让你觉得你爱的人看轻你的爱情以及自尊,会怎样?When you love somebody tramples your love and feeling, make you feel that you love the one who look your love and dignity valueless. How you feel?

当时塔利班在阿富汗大权在握,他们认为这座大佛毫无价值,甚至认为是对自己宗教的亵渎。At the time, the Taliban were in power in Afghanistan, and they regarded these Buddhas as valueless or indeed as a desecration of their own beliefs.

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如同你和我要获得巨大的利益一样,英国乐购,利德尔和消费合作社都坚决要把无价值蔬菜和有害水果的汁抽打出来。Tesco, Lidl and the Co-op are hellbent on flogging their valueless vegetables and their foul fruits to saps such as you and me for enormous profits.

道教徒在修炼内丹的过程中,创作出了大量的诗词,这些数量众多的内丹隐喻诗多被认为文学价值不高,而缺乏有效的研究和成果。In the course of being Nei-dan, Taoist created plenty of poems about Nei-dan. These poems have long been regarded as valueless and research result is scarce.

即使是富可敌国的绝世宝藏,在家族遗留下来的荣誉和名声面前,也变得微不足道起来,毕竟,对于有些人来说,名望大于一切。Even the peerless treasure becomes valueless under the glory and reputation bequeathed by the family. After all, fame is the most important thing for someone.