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维卡软化温度。Vicat softening temp.

经济正在软化。The economy is softening.

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润滑和条件没有软化皮革。Lubricates and conditions leather without softening.

眉心带领着变化,使整个形状开始放松。The inner brows lead the change, softening the shapes.

世界上对纺织柔软剂的需求是巨大的。The world wide need for textile softening agents is enormous.

种植韭黄必须采用软化栽培技术。To plant leeks, the softening planting skill must be adopted.

这表明投资方面的需求正在进一步软化。That guidance suggests a further softening of investment demand.

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我们真的相信较松的标准能带来幸福吗?Do we really believe that our softening standards bring happiness?

对于奥巴马来说,共和党态度软化的迹象乃天赐良机。For Barack Obama, these signs of Republican softening are a godsend.

看到灰色的天空柔和了地平线的边缘,稍稍让我释然些。I was relieved the sky was gray, softening the edges of the skyline.

这个沉重的金属会引起软化的骨头,高血压。This heavy metal can cause softening of bones, and high blood pressure.

即使烹调只是软化了食物,也能使之更易消化。Even just softening food — which cooking does — makes it more digestible.

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我见证用一个简单的笑容软化最硬的心。I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile.

但是,他的“从上而下”的管理方式却不那么成功。But he's been less successful in softening his top-down management approach.

长期暴露在镉之下会导致骨质酥松和肾功能衰竭。Long-term exposure to cadmium can lead to bone softening and kidney failure.

动态回复和局部再结晶是主要的软化机制。Dynamic recovery and local recrystallization is the main softening mechanism.

少量的氧气可以充当酒当中单宁的软化剂。Small amounts of oxygen act as a softening agent upon the tannins of the wine.

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微生物或植物起源的蛋白酶制剂一般用于面团的软化。Proteinase preparations of microbial or plant origin are used for dough softening.

MSW的加入对复合材料的维卡软化点几乎没有影响。There was no effects on Vicat softening point of the composite when MSW was added.

补水,滋润和柔软皮肤。减少细纹和皱纹。Rehydrating and softening the skin. Smooth and reduce skin fine lines and wrinkles.