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你现在被逮捕了。You are under arrest.

如果你被要求逮捕。Ask if you are under arrest.

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他激烈地拒捕。He resisted arrest violently.

当然了,我还得要逮捕你。I have to arrest you, of course.

他们可以就过来这儿逮捕我。They can just come and arrest me.

你们根据什么罪状拘捕他?On what charges do you arrest him?

法希太需要拘捕这个家伙了。Fache needs this arrest desperately.

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在那之后,薛潘可以逮捕他。After that, Chappelle can arrest him.

这种新药控制不住癌症。The new drug did not arrest the cancer.

只有一件案子的凶手被逮捕。Only one case has resulted in an arrest.

私家鹅侦探能逮补真凶吗?Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper?

他的被捕引起了一场外交风波。His arrest has sparked a diplomatic rumpus.

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我还要雇个护士以防心脏毛病。I'd hire a Nurse in case of Cardiac Arrest.

他因拒捕而被当场击毙。He was shot on the spot for resisting arrest.

把衣服穿上,法兰克。我现在依法逮捕你。Put your shirt on, Frank. You're under arrest.

我会以伪证罪被拘禁。That I would be held under arrest for perjury.

马车夫不能阻止马跑的速度。The driver could not arrest the horse's speed.

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在印度,照这么来的话,你至少可以逮捕13万人。In India you can easily arrest 130,000 minimum.

警察有权逮捕犯法者。Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.

克莱昂目前已被捕并面临谋杀指控。Kleon is under arrest and faces a murder charge.