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野草意味着均值回归。And "pigweed" all started with "mean reversion.

在精神状态层面,我们经历了同他们相似的逆转。There has been a similar reversion in our mental attitudes.

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但股票的回报率却呈现出均值回归的特性。Stock market returns, however, do tend to exhibit mean reversion.

其基础是噪声市场假说和价格回归价值。It is based on the noisy market hypothesis and price mean reversion.

可用电除颤使恢复窦性节律。Reversion to sinus rhythm, by means of electrical countershock, is indicated.

同时,复合材料的生理盐水浸取液不引起鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变数增加。The material does not increase the number of reversion mutation in Ames test.

遗传分析表明,回复突变是显性突变。Genetic analysis indicated that induced waxy mutants reversion gene was dominant.

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在更早的版本中,会在过期时自动执行回复。In earlier releases, the reversion was performed automatically at expiration time.

复归权规则则赋予出让人或遗嘱人的继承人一项复归权。The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator.

当查尔斯娶黛娜时,他就期望着有一笔可观的财产可以继承。There was the prospect of too good a fortune in reversion when Charles married Dina.

注意,新的系统目录表将在逆转过程中删除。Note that the new system catalog tables will be dropped during the reversion process.

用植物激素研究了冠瘿瘤的逆转。The reversion of crown galls was investigated by means of induction with phytohormone.

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因本次培训座位有限,我司将根据回执单的回复顺序安排座位。The seats are limited, and we will arrange your seats according to reversion sequence.

它现在需要管理员批准或拒绝名称更改回复。It now requires the administrator to either approve or reject the name change reversion.

又恢复了旧时的体制,王室就是在这种制度下接受了近300年的俸禄。This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years.

象未开化的人那样迷信鬼神,这完全是倒退,他们把因果关系弄颠倒了。It's a complete reversion to primitive superstition. They are confusing cause and effect.

本文的主要目的即以深发展为例,检验其贝塔系数是否遵循一个均值回归过程。The authors test if the beta of Bank of ShenZhen development has mean reversion tendency.

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边沁坚定地确信,这并不会意味着倒退到弱肉强食的丛林道路上。Bentham was firmly convinced that this would not mean a reversion to the ways of the jungle.

利用抗人4-1BBL单抗初步探讨了4-1BBL逆向信号对肿瘤细胞的生物学效应。We studied the 4-1BBL reversion signal to tumour cell initially by using the anti-4-1BBL mAb.

研究了硫化返原对NR硫化胶的结构和性能的影响。The effect of the reversion on the structure and properties of NR vulcanizate was investigated.