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强子作用力保持原子核为一整体。The hadronic force holds nuclei together.

鳃组织中细胞核肿胀。In the cells of gill tumescent nuclei are found.

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闭合壳层的核具有球对称性。Nuclei with closed-shell have spherical symmetries.

很可能正是这个特殊的神经核在负责蜂鸟的视觉运动反应。This specific nuclei is likely responsible for that.

瘤细胞核形态单一,核仁不明显。The nuclei are monomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli.

听其自然的话,就连高山也会慢慢消逝,甚至原子核也会衰竭。Even mountains wear down, even the nuclei of atoms decay.

绒毡层细胞为腺质,二核。The tapetum belongs to glandular type and has two nuclei.

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但是,灶性奇异细胞核出现在10例肿瘤中。Foci of bizarre nuclei were, however, present in 10 cases.

计算滋养体和核的体积。The volume of trophozoites and their nuclei was calculated.

这个过程和其他核子一起持续一系列反应。The process continues as a chain reaction with other nuclei.

本文首次使用邵氏硬度计测量了62眼老年性白内障晶体核。We measured 62 nuclei of senile cataract by Shaos durometer.

单层柱状上皮,细胞核排列整齐成一线。Simple columnar epithelium with very regular line-up of nuclei.

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上面这个模型展示了释热的核心环节。This thing provides the nuclei division with the release of heat.

不同的物种在细胞核中有不同的染色体数量。Each species has a different number of chromosomes in their nuclei.

这就是键轴,它就是两个原子核之间的轴。So that is the bond axis it's just the axis between the two nuclei.

这两种原子核的组分统称核子。Collectively, these two constituents of nuclei are known as nucleons.

阴性对照组兔晶体上皮细胞胞核未见阳性染色。In negative control group rabbit LEC nuclei were not positive stained.

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在这种过程中,那个原子核分裂成两个中等大小的核。In this process the nucleus breaks up into two intermediate-sized nuclei.

肿瘤细胞的多形性明显,细胞核深染。However, the neoplastic cells show pleomorphism, with hyperchromatic nuclei.

在多数哺乳动物中,成熟红细胞呈双凹面盘样,无细胞核。In most mammals mature erythrocytes are biconcave disks that have no nuclei.