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符号学是什么?What is semiology?

少数民族文学是符号学研究的广阔天地。The ethnic minority literature provides a wide world for semiology to study and research.

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少数民族生活、文学中处处都充满着符号学的影子。It is obvious that semiology has something to do with the life and literature of ethnic minority.

论文力图从符号学角度为艺术语言研究提供一个新的视角。This dissertation tries to provide a new perspective for artistic language study on the view of semiology.

从现代符号学观点重新审视这些思想,有重要的学术和应用价值。An overview of these thoughts from the perspective of modern semiology is of great academic and pragmatic importance.

依靠索绪尔对语言符号研究所提供的框架,巴尔特着手发展符号学。Barthes then set out to develop semiology thanks to a framework supplied by Saussure's study of the linguistic signs.

总之,符号及其内涵已成为现代设计中不可忽略的元素。It is obvious that the semiology and its connotation are the important elements, which cannot be ignored in modern design.

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符号学是研究符号的理论和方法,它将表明符号由什么构成,受什么支配。Semiology is theory and method of studying symbol, it will indicate the symbol will be formed by anything, controlled by anything.

主要研究方法有历史学方法、现象学方法、符号学方法,并可辅以社会学方法、公理学方法等。The main research approach has history method, phenomenon method, Semiology method, and the sociology method , generally acknowledged truth etc.

菲斯克在自己的电视研究中注重运用符号学方法研究电视文本、电视观众以及电视文化在意识形态中的霸权建构关系。John Fiske pays attention to using the Semiology method to study the hegemony forming relations in ideology for TV text, televiewer and TV culture.

他运用文学符号学对西方传统的“文”——他认为这种文具有逻格斯中心主义倾向的解构非常精彩,也引起过巨大的争议。His deconstruction to Western traditional culture, he thinks, which has some tendency of logocentrism is very wonderful by his literature semiology.

罗兰·巴特对社会文化现象的符号学研究,以及洛特曼的对艺术文本的符号学研究,显示了这种对接的可能性。Barthes' research on social and cultural phenomena and Lotman'sstudy on art text from the point of semiology show the possibility of this combination.

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商标是一种符号,而符号学是专门研究符号现象的。因此,用符号学方法来分析商标及其生成演变过程就非常有意义。Since trademark is a kind of sign and the semeiology specializes in sign, it is very significant to analyze trademark and the course of its generating and evolving by semiology.

本文从符号学和符号消费的角度入手,以手机为媒介物,对其消费特性做了全面深入的分析。This text proceeds with semiology and angle of symbol consumption, regard mobile phone as intermediaries, have made overall and deep analysis to its' consumption characteristic.

综合考虑符号学基本原理,符号的传达和认知等相关知识,来讨论符号学理论在趣味性产品设计中的应用。The application of the semiology theory in interesting product design was discussed with basic principle of semiology and relevant knowledge of symbol communication and cognition.

结构主义、符号学影响下传媒理论的新闻传播活动分析,仍然表现出社会批判理论、意识形态理论等的深刻影响。The Analysis of news transmission activities from the perspective of structuralism and semiology shows the deep influence of other theories such as social criticism and ideology theory.

文章根据美国学者约翰•费斯克对于符号学研究的三个领域的划分,对电影图像构建元素的个性表达与艺术特色进行了探讨。This article probes into the individuality expression and artistic characteristics of movie pictures' construction elements on the basis of American scholar John Fiske's division on semiology.

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索绪尔的任意性概念是建立在否定语言命名观的基础之上的,它包括价值任意性、能指与所指之间的任意性两种。The concept of arbitrariness in De Saussures semiology theory is based on the negation of nominalism, including both the arbitrariness of value and that between the signifier and the signified.

由于符号学是一个十分繁复的复合的知识系统,从话语分析的角度切入大众传播研究,是目前可以选择的较好途径。This paper recognizes the semiology as a complicated knowledge system and asserts that the studying mass communication from an angle of discourse analysis is the better way that people can choose.

索绪尔语言符号学重点研究语言符号在社会交流中的作用,而皮尔斯符号学重点研究符号在作为生物的个人的认知中的作用。The Saussrean linguistics and semiology focuses its study on linguistic and semiotic signs in social communication while the Peircean semiotics on the signs in the cognition of man as a biologic body.