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勿使用光学增白剂。Do not use optical brighteners.

采用无缩变亚克力光学透镜。With non-distortion acryl optical lens.

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它特别适宜于塑料光学元件。It is suitable for plastic optical cell.

所有的光影效果都不见了。All the optical effects have disappeared.

锗是常用的红外光学材料。Germanium is a common TR optical material.

专业从事光学镜片之贸易。Professionalised in trading optical lenses.

这也是近年来眼科视光学研究的热点。This is the hot point of the optical study.

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穿衣利用视觉差让自己看起来更苗条。Use optical illusion tricks to look slimmer.

用于光学及滤波器玻璃中的铅和镉。Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass.

薄膜的光响应特性。The optical response of oxygen-deficient La0.

而事实上,这样的场景只是一种光学错觉。But the scene is actually an optical illusion.

一个好的应该到什么眼镜店装修?A good optical shop fitting into what should be?

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一些光学设备家伙们这活儿也有麻烦了。Some of the optical guys are troubled right now.

我必须找一家眼镜店来修理我的眼镜。I have to find an optical shop to fix my glasses.

月产量四百万套光学镜片。Four sets of monthly production of optical lenses.

这是由微弱光线引起的视错觉。It's an optical illusion caused by the weak light.

光纤振动时必然导致光纤的弯曲和形变。Vibrating optical fiber will bend and be deformed.

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“它看上去就像是某种很酷的光学材料,”他说。“It looked like a cool optical material,” he said.

望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments.

望远镜和显微镜都是光学仪器。Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.