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我灯光下的丽莉。My Lilli of the lamplight.

在灯光下,她脸色显得特别苍白。Her pale face stood out in the lamplight.

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他感觉灯光下的12号房间看起来好像变小了。Room number 12 looked smaller by lamplight.

她的珠宝在灯光下灿烂发光。Her jewels shone brilliantly in the lamplight.

然而在他前面,从他的厨房窗户灯光照射。Ahead of him the lamplight shone from his kitchen windows.

在灯火中它们看起来如墨色一般,而在暮光中则映出紫色的神彩。By lamplight they turned black, and in the light of dusk they seemed purple.

面条摊上的昏暗的光和宿舍里的灯光好像在减弱月光的明亮。The dim tights and the lamplight somewhat diminished the brightness of the moon.

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半夜醒来,我发现了一条灯光从妈妈的门缝里泄出来。Around midnight, I woke up to find lamplight coming in through the crack of her door.

在月光下,一片片枯叶飘落在地,夜的风呜咽呻吟。In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet, and the wind begins to moan.

南达爸爸之子啊,我将用我的爱之灯火为您献上阿尔提仪式!O son of Nanda Baba, I will offer You an arati ceremony with the lamplight of my love.

他说道,并走回12号房间。Anderson lit the oil-lamp and looked round. Room number 12 looked smaller by lamplight.

他困倦地望着银白和灰暗的雪花在街灯映照下纷然倒坠。He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight.

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定下了这个基本的空间规划后,灯光为隔断才有了现实可能性。After placing this basic space to plan, lamplight had real possibility to cut off ability.

在昏暗的灯光下他看到大仁慈王手握着剑正俯身在他面前。In the dim lamplight he was frightened to see King Goodness leaning over him with sword in hand.

池子两旁形态万千的大象配上柔和的灯光,尽情展现了泰国独有的浪漫气息。Elephants in various hues and lamplight around the pool create a unique romantic atmosphere of Thailand.

这就像在灯光下找钥匙,钥匙可能不在那里,但至少你会一目了然。It's like looking for your keys under the lamplight. They may not be there but at least it's easy to see.

他穿着破旧的男士长款法兰绒睡衣,这使他显得比实际年纪更小。The boy stood trembling in the lamplight. Dressed in a ragged flannel nightshirt, he was small for hisage.

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所以卧室灯光的照明应该考虑按不同的功能需求来做设计照明。So the illume of bedroom lamplight should consider to do design illume by different functional requirement.

这个枯槁的老太婆说着,脸上闪出一丝笑容,恍如墓穴壁上的微光。As the old withered woman spoke, a smile glimmered on her countenance, like lamplight on the wall of a sepulchre.

室内灯光照明随着我们的生活水平的提高,我国家庭对照明设计的要求也在提高。Indoor lamplight illume with our standard of living rise, our family of lighting design requirements are improved.