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波兰和它的近邻立陶宛结成同盟。Poland forged an alliance with its neighbour Lithuania.

立陶宛大约有200名十字架工艺师。There are some 200 cross-crafting masters in Lithuania.

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在铜牌争夺战中阿根廷以87-75战胜立陶宛。Argentina defeated Lithuania 87-75 in the bronze-medal game.

然而,他们78-67击败立陶宛结束他们的金牌希望。However, Lithuania beat them 78-67 to end their medal hopes.

现在我们来到罗格柴夫斯基一家的公寓。Now we visit the apartment of the Rogarshevsky family of Lithuania.

在过去的10年中,立陶宛的教育体系变化很大。In the last 10 years, education system in Lithuania has changed a lot.

现在我们来到罗格柴夫斯基一家的公寓。Now we visit the apartment of the Rogarshevsky family ofthe Lithuania.

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它的起源大约可以追溯到15世纪时基督教传入立陶宛。It probably originated in the 15th century, after the Christianization of Lithuania.

立陶宛在1940年成为苏联的附属国,在1990年宣布独立。Lithuania was annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 and declared its independence in 1990.

维尔纽斯于795年归属俄国,现在是立陶宛首都。Vilnius passed to Russia in 795 and is now the capital of Lithuania. Population, 544,000.

维尔纽斯于1795年归属俄国,现在是立陶宛首都。Vilnius passed to Russia in 1795 and is now the capital of Lithuania. Population, 544,000.

几个星期内,爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛纷纷宣布脱离苏联。Within weeks, the republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania seceded from the Soviet Union.

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主场2-0击退立陶宛后,俄罗斯坐上小组头把交椅,队长阿莱西-斯梅廷吃到黄牌。Russia go top of their group beating Lithuania 2-0 at home, captain Alexey Smertin is booked.

迪亚拉为较高兴的一人,因为他和马克莱莱在法国1-0打败立陶宛一战中控制了中场。Diarra has a happier time as he and Makelele control midfield in France's 1-0 win in Lithuania.

很有趣的是,我们也听到一点儿关于所谓的波罗的海各国—爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛。Interestingly enough we hear a bit about the so-called Baltics -- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

莫斯科军队被立陶宛大公国的军队追击了五公里。The muscovite forces were pursued by the army of the grand duchy of lithuania for five kilometers.

立陶宛在政治权力和公民权利方面也获得了最高分。"Lithuania also scored top marks for their political rights and civil liberties, " says Greenwald.

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在过去8场比赛中,中国男篮先后击败欧洲劲旅克罗地亚和立陶宛队。In the past 8 games, China beat Croatia and Lithuania which are powerful forces among European teams.

20日,男篮在1/4淘汰赛中以68比94不敌立陶宛队,最终排名第八。China lost to Lithuania 68-94 in the men's basketball quarterfinals Wednesday, ranking 8th in the event.

星期六,成百上千的人在立陶宛冒着零下25度的低温/严寒打雪仗。Hundreds of people braved 25-degree temperatures in Lithuania Saturday to throw snowballs at each other.