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因为你穿的很时尚,我喜欢你穿的衣服。Because you dress very fashionably. I like your shirt.

并且,日本女人穿着很时髦,很文雅。Also, Japanese women dress fashionably and are very elegant.

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他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism.

她好像觉得她的装束过分讲究,显得快活而轻浮,很慕虚荣。She thought her too fashionably dressed, too frivolously gay and vain.

她金黄色的头发经过精心而时尚地打理看起来十分优雅。Her blonde hair was cropped and fashionably arranged to look messily elegant.

雷诺斯身形瘦削、短发利落,一副很流行的中性扮相。With her lean frame and cropped hair, Lennox had a fashionably androgynous look.

一头鬈曲的金黄色头发,身材苗条,蔚蓝色的眼睛,长得非常漂亮。A blonde girl, slim. had her hair in ringlets. blue eyes, very fashionably dressed.

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耶稣铜像穿着短袖衬衫和牛仔裤,其头发和胡子也修剪得既整齐又时髦。Christ is also wearing a shirt with his hair and beard neat and fashionably trimmed.

雷战是一种集娱乐和培训于一身的时尚军事体育运动。Laser battle is fashionably military sport integrated with entertainment and training.

是啊。不过问题是,像这种社交聚会,最好是时髦地晚一点到,才比较好。But the problem was at this type of social gathering, it would be nice to be fashionably late.

她们喜欢穿裙子以及更暴露和时尚的衣服。They tend to put on skirts instead of pants, show more skin and generally dress more fashionably.

他旳嗓音没有任何懒洋洋旳痕迹,这种懒洋洋旳痕迹是你希望在─个衣着时髦旳年轻人身上发现旳。His voice had no trace of the drawl that you would expect to find in a fashionably dressed young man.

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每一个穿著时尚的英美两国绅士都有中国棉制的及膝短裤。Every fashionably dressed gentleman of Engl and and America had his knee breeches made of China cotton.

萨杜克说,紧身型牛仔裤也将继续成为时尚瘦人一族锺爱的休闲裤。Skinny jeans will also continue to be the casual pant of choice for the fashionably svelte, Mr. Sardouk says.

只有一名中年男子,穿着经典款式的西服,发型时髦,端坐在一张干净整洁的办公桌后面。Just a middle-aged man, conservative business suit, head fashionably shaved, sitting behind an uncluttered desk.

款式繁多的靴子让我们眼花缭乱,入时的穿搭帮你成为春季的时髦美女。The boots with various design makes us dazzling, wear fashionably build the modern belle that helps you make spring.

他身材修长,头发乌黑,发式入时,凸出的下巴上出人意外地长着一个小酒窝,一双青黑色的眼睛深嵌在眼窝里。He had fashionably styled black hair, a prominent chin with an unexpected dimple in it and deeply set olive-black eyes.

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10分钟以后,肇事司机7、8个穿着时尚的同伴分别驾驶保时捷、法拉利等各种豪华轿车到达现场。Ten minutes of so later, seven or eight fashionably dressed companions arrived in Porsche, Ferrari and other luxury cars.

保持衣着整齐,显示出你考虑其他客人对你至关重要而保持衣着一流。By keeping your clothes on, you show that you consider the other guests important enough for you to remain fashionably tip-top.

马丁看得如此认真专注,五百个衣着时髦的仕女名媛也都转过头往看他在看什么。Five hundred fashionably gowned women turned their heads, so intent and steadfast was Martin's gaze, to see what he was seeing.