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计算了吊舱推进器的非定常水动力性能。The unsteady performance of podded propeller was calculated.

直升飞机上二台发动机荚舱在驾驶员座舱的后面。Two engines are podded to the helicopter just to the rear of the cockpit.

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远克或变蛋时镜头无限拉远的效果不再出现。The "limitless zoom" effect no longer occurs after clone jumping or being podded.

双吊舱电力推进是目前船舶推进系统研究开发领域引人瞩目的焦点。Double electrical podded propulsion is the focus in ship electrical propulsion research field recently.

回转舵桨合一、吊舱式电力推进装置是新颖的船舶动力装置。Azimuth rotating steering rudder and podded electric propulsion system is a novel marine propulsion system.

用面元法对吊舱螺旋桨的水动力性能进行了计算,得到了吊舱推进器的敞水曲线和轴承力。The hydrodynamic performance of podded propeller is calculated, including the open water characteristics and bearing force.

讲述了吊舱式推进器的易发故障,并以AZIPOD吊舱式推进器为例,对轴承和密封系统的原理和功能特性进行了分析。The general failure of podded propulsor is put forwarded. As an example, AZIPOD shaft seal arrangement and oil system are analyzed.

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作者查阅了大量文献及互联网资料,明确了吊舱式电力推进系统的结构与工作过程。The author refers to lots of literatures and datum on internet, and understands the structure and working process of the podded propulsion.

吊舱式电力推进是目前船舶推进系统研究开发领域引人瞩目的焦点,它的出现给电力推进船舶带来了新的发展。Podded propulsion is a new focus in development of ship propulsion system. The debut of it accelerated the development of electric propulsion.

分别计算了均匀来流时与船尾伴流中的吊舱推进器的水动力性能,分析了船尾对吊舱推进器水动力性能的影响。The unsteady performances of podded propeller in steady flow and in stern wake field were calculated independently, and the influence of the stern was analyzed.

作为船舶推进的发展方向之一吊舱式全电力推进船舶以其巨大的优越性得到了越来越广泛的应用。As the development tendency of marine electrical propulsion, podded electrical propulsion have been widely applied abroad owing to its excellent characteristics.

应用升力面理论涡格法和面元法,建立了拖式吊舱推进器非定常水动力性能的数值计算方法。Based on potential flow theory, a numerical method is proposed for predicting the steady and unsteady hydrodynamic performances of puller type podded propulsors.

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本文对吊舱式电力推进系统所做的基础性研究,希望有助于船东和设计师的决策分析,以推广船舶电力推进在国内的应用。This basic research on podded electrical propulsion may be helpful to both ship-owner and ship-designers decision-making and to extend its applications in China.

为研究吊舱推进器性能,应用势流面元法开发了定常流中计入吊舱与螺旋桨桨叶相互作用的水动力性能计算方法。A potential-based surface panel method for podded propeller in steady flow was developed concerning the interaction between pod and propeller blades in hydrodynamics.

文章介绍了吊舱式推进器的特点,分析了目前几种主要的吊舱推进器的模型试验方法及其特点,提出了在敞水、自航试验中需要关注的问题。Model test methods and advantages of several existing podded propulsors are presented, as well as the issues that should be taken account of in open water and self-propulsion tests.

为了分析鳍对吊舱推进器水动力性能的影响,用基于速度势的低阶面元法预报附鳍吊舱推进器的定常水动力性能。In order to analyze the influence of fins, a low-order panel method based on velocity potential was used to predict the steady hydrodynamic performance of a podded propeller with fins.

此文从市场需求和工程技术的角度,介绍吊舱式电力推进备受关注的主要原因和发展进程。This paper, from market demand and engineering technology point of view, introduces the major cause of its being greatly concerned. and the development process of Podded electric propulsion.

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综合分析比较了吊舱式电力推进系统的特征,指出了吊舱式电力推进系统广泛的使用前景。Pod propulsion system is a fully new electric propulsion system developed in 1990's. In this paper, a comprehensive analysis and a comparison on the features of podded propulsion system are given.