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什么是琶音?What is arpeggio?

整首曲子充满著流畅高雅的琶音,代表著自由的精神。The fluent and graceful arpeggio suggests a free spirit.

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最开始由大提琴演奏出的琶音是在发起声明还是询问?Is that opening cello arpeggio an assertion, or a question?

关于如何进行的指示“变身”一琶音,以适应任何风格的音乐。Instructions on How to "morph" an Arpeggio to Fit any Style of Music.

若有所思的四小节的弱音之后,独奏者奏出宽幅的琶音。After a more thoughtful four bars ofp the soloist leaves the stage with a widespread arpeggio.

这类动作将会充分地用在其它的弹奏模式上,而不在弹五指的音阶和琶音的动作上。This type of motion is used amply in other technical patterns but not in five-finger scale or arpeggio movements.

当你练习琶音到一个新的不紧张的级别时,你会发现你将不再象以前那样感觉到疲劳。When practicing arpeggio patterns at a new level of less tension you will notice how you fatigue more easily than before.

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如果每天练习一段时间的琶音,你的手指将会不犯任何错误而正确弹奏每一下。If arpeggio is practiced daily for a while the fingers just refuse to do anything but hitting the string in the right place.

在钢琴教学中,音阶、琶音、和弦作为钢琴基本技巧练习未受到足够的重视。The practice of the basic techniques of musical scale, arpeggio and chord has not been duly highlighted in the course of piano education.

手指触及屏幕可以制造火光,手指拖拽可以画一条闪电,两指可以弹琶音,多指可以演奏复杂的琶音。Tap your finger to create a spark, drag one finger to draw a line of electricity, two to play an arpeggio and more than two for more complex arpeggios.

当学生在练习音阶和琶音技巧的时候,好的老师会在一旁仔细观察以确保学生不发生注意力分散或过于紧张的情况。It takes the careful eye and ear of a good teacher to make sure that distracting and physically dangerous tension does not develop when trying to deal with a scale or arpeggio configuration.