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以大格局来思考。Think big.

我这样认为。I think so.

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想着就行了。Just think.

我想他是有的。I think he is.

祷告或思考,随你便。Think or pray.

你以为不会吗?You think not?

感受,不要想。Feel not think.

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我想五站吧。Five , I think.

我认为是瑞典。I think Sweden.

我认为他可以。I think he can.

请想一分钟!Think a minute.

是的,我想是这样。Yes,I think so.

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你这么认为吗?Do you think so?

我就是这么认为的。I just think so.

我想是康塔多。Contador I think.

我想可以,亲爱的。I think so, dear.

我想是的。I think so, yeah.

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我认为是有的。I think there is.

我认为它们可以。I think they can.

我想你听过。I think you have.