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不要忘了防摩擦剂。Don't forget the Body Glide.

天空兀鹰盘旋。The condors glide in the sky.

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男孩子喜欢从楼梯扶手上往下滑。Boys like to glide down banisters.

那个夏天是我们爱情的下滑航道。That summer was the glide path of our love.

这个技巧也能进阶至空中滑翔的轻功。The technic and also advance into air glide.

明亮的雾气在罗伯利上空飘游。Bright volumes of vapour through Lothbury glide.

我想地滑,空翻像他们一样自由自在。I wanted to glide and spin and fly like the did.

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白鹭飞落在新绿的青草。Egrets glide and land on the mown with new blades.

昌平的滑翔基地是滑翔爱好者的天堂。Glide base of Changping is the gliding fans' heaven.

回来的时候,我们让小舟顺流而下。On our way back we let the boat glide down the river.

从而可以得出一个结论,纯圆弧伞翼在滑翔比上占优势。In conclusion, pure circle wing has better glide ratio.

自动门滑开了,外面一片漆黑。The automatic doors glide open onto a pool of darkness.

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我们静静地站着,看着鱼儿逍遥自在地游来游去。We stood in silence watching the fish glide effortlessly.

而且可以预见,这个数据还将继续下滑。And can foreknow , this data still will continue to glide.

升阻比越高,飞机就能飞得更远。And the higher the ratio, the farther the aircraft will glide.

等越过了山顶,他让车自己往下溜。Once he was over the hump of the hill, he let the cycle glide.

他宁愿在一边悄悄地走,也不愿意说“打扰了”。Instead of saying 'Excuse me', he prefers to glide by one side.

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数以兆计的冰冻的小卫星环绕土星的赤道转动着。Trillions of icy moonlets that glide around the planet's girth.

巴托看起来对这样的滑翔很享受嘛,而且他和罗宾、蕾贝卡相处得也很融洽。Bart is Enjoying the Glide to the fullest and girls company too.

新来者现在有时滑动不愿总是拍打他们的翅膀。Griffins now sometimes glide rather than always flapping their wings.