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由奇热剧网整理。By JiRe play nets finishing.

小婴儿喝完奶后会噎气。The baby burps after finishing the milk.

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他有完成他著作的欲望。He's got desires about finishing his book.

完成一项消除一切压力的锻炼。Finishing a workout that reduces all stress.

他给这副画作了几笔最后的润饰。He gave the picture a few finishing touches.

在到达终点线时他超过了我。At last he overtook me at the finishing line.

建筑队正在加紧完工。The construction crew's just finishing it up.

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不必熬通宵来完成你的报告。Don't be all night over finishing your report.

每个人在同一点结束赛跑。Everyone finishing the race at the same point.

我急于提前完成任务.I am busy on finishing the task ahead of time.

一肚子火气在刀刻斧削中烟消云散。A stomach volume in the finishing woo vanished.

我有完成我著作的欲望。I've got those desires about finishing my book.

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减少焊后和焊接完成时间。Reduce welding and post-welding finishing time.

不像粗加工,精加工的加工速度慢。Unlike rough, finishing the slow processing speed.

但正当我们要完工的时候,事情就发生了,but just as we're finishing is when that happened,

写完那篇文章之后,我突然感到一阵轻松。I was struck with ease after finishing the article.

工人们如今打算首先末了的抹光作业。The workers tend to start the fining finishing now.

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我现在应该做的就是完成这张海报。What I should do now is just finishing this poster.

我用哆哆嗦嗦的手指最后整理了一下。With trembling fingers I put the finishing touches.

完成一段长跑是一项非常有益的体验。Finishing a long run is a very rewarding experience.