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图为希拉里周二参观东京的明治神宫。She visited the Meiji shrine in Tokyo on Tuesday.

1951年,日本京都,明治寺的庭院。JAPAN. Tokyo. Courtyard of the Meiji temple. 1951.

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明治日本也大力干预经济。Meiji Japan also intervened heavily in the economy.

明治时期蹲式马桶开始出现在中津川市附近有钱人家里。Meiji Era squat toilet of a wealthy Japanese near Nakatsugawa.

亲切地我已经收到明治天皇皇帝的最后指示。A. Graciously I have received Meiji Emperor's last injunctions.

明治天皇为日本变成一个超级大国起到了关键性的作用。Meiji was a key player in making Japan a major world superpower.

日本自1868年的明治维新以后,走上军国主义的不归路。Japan took the road to militarism after the Meiji Reformation in1868.

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我想参观明治神宫。如何搭地铁到那里。I would like to visit Meiji Temple. How can I get there via the subway?

1868年明治维新之后,它有了迅速而广泛地转变,。It changed rapidly and extensively after the Meiji Restoration of 1868.

它行之于明治时期,但其思想源头却可上溯至江户时代。It started in Meiji Times, but the idea can be tracked back to Edo Times.

明治27年到28年,是樋口一叶创作的高峰期。It was from Meiji 27 to 28 that Higuchi Ichiyo reached her creation peak.

在他宏伟的诗篇中,已故的明治天皇想要说些什么呢?。What did the deceased Meiji Emperor wish to say with his magnificent poem?

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但在明治天皇的强力领导下,最终度过危机。But the Emperor Meiji of strong leadership and ultimately through the crisis.

该口号在什麽程度上于明治政府的政策中得到反映?To what extent was this slogan reflected in the policy of the Meiji government?

日本在明治维新以后加快对外侵略扩张。Japan accelerated its invasion and external expansion after the Meiji Restoration.

在日本明治时代,绯村剑心接受了死亡剑道的训练。In Meiji era Japan, Kenshin Himura has been trained in the deadliest of sword arts.

日本明治维新后,迅速走上资本主义的发展道路。After the Meiji Restoration, Japan quickly went on the path of capitalist development.

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日本从明治时代开始就非常重视教育事业的发展。From the Meiji era of Japan attached great importance to the development of education.

从1868年明治时期开始,日本的人口持续增长了大约70年。From the start of the Meiji period in 1868 Japan's population rose for about 70 years.

1868年,明治时期开始时,日本的人口增长持续了70年。From the start of the Meiji period in 1868 Japan’s population rose for about 70 years.