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侮辱只是起到了加剧长期不和的作用。Insults only served to inflame the feud.

结果RAU的组织中有大量炎性细胞浸润。Results In RAU, there were large amount of inflame cells.

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一次误解或错误归因的攻击可能加剧紧张局势。A misinterpreted or misattributed attack could inflame tensions.

夏雪冰冷的打断龙粼的话,愤恨的瞪着他。If the summer snow iciness intervene Long Lin, the inflame hates of stare him.

范斯坦的以上言论可能会引发巴基斯坦公众对其政府的怒火。Feinstein's comments could inflame domestic anger against the Pakistani government.

对抗气候变化的全球威胁可能会团结各国或是加剧对抗。Fighting the global threat of climate change could unite countries—or inflame rivalries.

囊内容物的外渗可以引起周边结构的炎症导致增强。Extravasation of cystic contents may inflame nearby structures, resulting in enhancement.

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这个问题一次又一次地被用来分裂和煽动——妖魔化人民。Time and again, this issue has been used to divide and inflame -– and to demonize people.

仇视性或诽谤性的话语有可能煽起敌对情绪,加深分裂并引发暴力行为。Hateful or defamatory words can inflame hostilities, deepen divisions, and provoke violence.

官员们担心如果反弹理论不成立的话,它可能煽动局势的紧张和导致更多的暴乱。Officials fear that if the ricochet theory pans out, it could inflame tensions and spark more riots.

燃烧的废气所迸发出的火花,每到晚上就映红邯钢的夜空。Shimmering yellow and raging red, Hangang's flare stacks burn off waste gases and inflame the night sky.

奥巴马可能担心,调查会进一步引发党派分歧,而他自己一直表示希望避免这种党派纷争。Mr. Obama may fear an investigation could inflame the kind of partisan divisions he has said he wants to avoid.

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中国领导人如何应对他们的经济疾病,可能会在选举年燃点与美国的贸易紧张。How Chinese leaders combat their economic maladies could inflame election-year trade tensions with the United States.

可是这种程度的镇压适得其反,非但没把示威者吓到躲在家里,反而激怒了他们。But the repression was just harsh enough to inflame protesters, not terrifying enough to scare them into staying home.

过量饮食产生出过量的脂肪酸,导致了下丘脑的部分功能发炎,降低了摄取这些荷尔蒙。Overeating generates excess fatty acids that inflame part of the hypothalamus, decreasing the uptake of these hormones.

另一方面,奥巴马总统正奋力推进他的医疗改革事业,这个时候激怒以色列的游说团体是危险的。As for Mr Obama, a president in a titanic struggle over health reform may find it dangerous to inflame the Israel lobby.

评论一直在争论这部影片是否会给反犹太主义者带来巨大的观众群,而且许多人也许会被深深地打动了。Controversy over whether it will inflame anti-Semitism guarantees huge audiences, and many people may be profoundly moved.

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Kolb先生说,奥运会选手很担心臭氧,它对呼吸道有刺激作用,使人难于呼吸。Mr. Kolb said Olympic athletes were worried about ozone, which can inflame the respiratory tract and make it more difficult to breathe.

这样的案例燃起长久的仇恨火焰,可能进一步损害北京与东京之间本已千疮百孔的关系。Such cases inflame longstanding animosities, and potentially threaten to further damage the already fraught relationship between Beijing and Tokyo.

美国总统奥巴马称,放出美士兵虐俘事件的照片“没有什么好处”,并可能影响大家对美国的观点。US President Barack Obama has said the release of more photos of prisoner abuse by US soldiers is "of no benefit" and may inflame opinion against the US.