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他说,有些男人也患上了产后抑郁症。Some men ended up with a male equivalent of postnatal depression, he said.

后天八卦的对应数字,就解决了这个问题。The homologous figures to postnatal Eight Trigrams can solve the contradiction.

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分析出生前后铅暴露水平对婴幼儿体格发育的影响。Prenatal and postnatal PbB levels and their effects on infant growth were analysed.

目的探讨碘过量对仔鼠垂体TSH细胞的影响。Objective To study the effect of Iodine excess on TSH cells in postnatal Wistar rats.

研究同时强调了母亲中的产后抑郁症是更为常见。The study also underlined how postnatal depression among mothers is much more common.

应用山东中医药大学研制的纯中药制剂“泌乳灵”治疗产后缺乳。The pure herbal preparation of Miruling was applied to treating postnatal milk deficit.

我们分析了这一经验以确定和操作及出生后结局有关的因素。We analyzed this experience to determine factors associated with procedural and postnatal outcome.

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在出生后的小脑中,表达也有类似规律,出生后第5天,表达量最高,其后下降。The highest peak of Nestin mRNA expression emerged at postnatal day 5, and was then down-regulated.

亦即年龄介于26-44岁者及母乳哺喂者其产后性健康自我效能愈好。Breastfeeding women between 26 and 44 years of age had better postnatal sexual health self-efficacy.

IR细胞位于上皮细胞间及固有膜结缔组织中。The IAPP- IR cells distributed both in epithelium and in lamina propria during postnatal development.

主观原因则是中国动画产业发展的“先天不足、后天失调”。The subjective cause is the 'inborn shortness' and ' postnatal malajustment' of Chinese cartoon industry.

老鼠爸爸必须在幼鼠出生后的早期阶段亲身待在鼠窝中才能又一次获得脑细胞的增加。The father had to be physically present in the nest in the early postnatal days to get another dose of neurons.

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产后知识、态度、及待产过程行为间亦成正相关。Positive associations were also found between postnatal knowledge, attitude, and management of the labor process.

本文应用透射电镜观察了生后第10至90天大鼠附睾管上皮主细胞的超微结构。Ultrastructure of the principal cell of ductus epididymis in the postnatal 10-90 days rats was observed under TEM.

目的探讨不同剂量碘过量对大鼠20日龄仔鼠垂体促甲状腺激素细胞的形态学影响。Objective To study the morphological effect of iodine excess on TSH cells of pituitary in 20 days postnatal Wistar rats.

据估计,约十分之一的女性会患产后抑郁症,即使她们之前没有心理健康方面的问题。It is estimated around one in ten women suffers postnatal depression, even if they have never had mental health problems.

进入你的前与婴儿出生后回普拉提练习,帮助条件Flex和收紧你的腹部肌肉。Get back into your pre-baby condition with the help of postnatal Pilates exercises that flex and tighten your abdominal muscles.

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在卫生设施分娩的许多母亲由于经济、社会或其它方面的障碍,不能回家接受产后护理。Many mothers who give birth in health facilities cannot return for postnatal care because of financial, social or other barriers.

先天或后天原因,如烧伤、创伤及肿瘤切除均可以造成舌畸形、缺损或缺失。舌参与味觉、言语、协助咀嚼、吞咽等。The severe deformity, coloboma and absence of tongue caused by congenital or postnatal diseases are the common clinical problems.

结论STAT3蛋白的表达及变化可能与视网膜生后早期发育密切相关。Conclusion The expression of STAT3 protein may be closely related to the early development of the retina in the postnatal hamster.