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心脏病最有可能在上午10点左右发作。Heart attacks are most likely to strike in midmorning.

这也许是在吃早餐的时候,上午,或饭后。That might be at breakfast, midmorning , or after meals.

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说的那样,他们在上午十点多走到了那处十字路口。As Sarnakyle had predicted, they came to the crossroads in the midmorning.

整个上午一直很忙,把这件事情也完全抛在了脑后。By midmorning I was busy at work and had completely forgotten about the whole thing.

弄完几垅地后,他们迅速站成一排冒着烈日开始播撒玉米种子。Several rows later, they eagerly lined up to seed corn under a blazing midmorning sun.

在这个食谱中,不管你想还是不想,都要求你在上午和下午各吃少量的零食。You'll be urged to have snacks in the midmorning and midafternoon, whether you need to or not.

到上午十时左右,他们能看见西边的撕裂天空闪电,紧接着就是远处的雷鸣。By midmorning they could see lightning flickering to the west, followed by the distant crash of thunder.

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航空公司的两名飞行员执飞从檀香山到夏威夷希洛的上午航班,飞行时至少睡着了18分钟。airlines pilots fell asleep for at least 18 minutes during a midmorning flight from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii.

到上午,圣母教堂镇态势安全,德军突击海滩潜在威胁被消除。By midmorning Ste. -Mère-Eglise was secure and the potential for a German breakthrough to the beaches was much diminished.

到上午10时左右为止,各项事宜看来都在按预定计划进行——白宫上下数百人十分努力地工作,各司其职。It is still midmorning. So far, things seem to be going according to schedule — hundreds of people work very hard to make it so.

在这个食谱中,不管你想还是不想,都要求你在上午和下午各吃少量的零食。You'll be urged to have snacks in the midmorning and midafternoon , whether you need to or not. You'll have dessert after dinner.

燕麦有很多益处,其中之一就是它能够让你有饱腹感,能有效地阻止你在早上10-11点吃零食的欲望。Among other benefits, oatmeal is touted as having the ability to keep you full, effectively squelching the desire for that midmorning snack.

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中午的正式队伍是主要的节目。男士们头戴高顶大礼帽,身穿礼服大衣,女士们也身穿礼服。The midmorning dance is for schoolchildren. The formal noon processional is the main event, with the men in top hats and frock coats, the women in gowns.

这个地方曾经被称为煤坑,灰尘漫天,上午开车都要打开车灯,现在它指定为2010年的欧洲文化之都。Once a byword for grit and grime, where drivers turned on their car headlights midmorning to see through the haze of coal smoke, it has been designated a European capital of culture for 2010.