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可是你的知识结构怎么这样落后?However, how uncultured your knowledge structure is!

在印度,村民和城市居民都没有教养。Both villagers and city dwellers are uncultured in India.

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未培养微生物研究是微生物学的一个重要研究方向。The study on uncultured microorganism is an important research field in microbiology.

吃饭的时候不胳膊肘搁在餐桌上,否则会被人视为是教养或粗鲁的。Never rest your elbows on the table when you eat. That is considered uncultured or rude.

现在剩下的仅是完全由市场主导的无聊东西,迎合最低级、最没有文化的趣味。Now, there is only purely market-driven drivel aimed at the lowest, most uncultured taste.

他们背着我议论她并试图暗示她愚昧又落后。They talk about her behind my back and try to suggest that she is backwards and uncultured.

这个社会再落后的地方再偏僻的地方都不可能存在这种情况!This kind of thing cannot occur even in the most underdeveloped society or uncultured place!

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“希望中国能成为一个文化大国,但是我们的领导人自己却如此的没有文化”。The government wants China to become a great cultural nation, but our leaders are so uncultured.

每每事过境迁,想到自己说出的这些毫无智慧的话,心虚得不得了。After that, whenever I thought of saying these uncultured meaningless words, I would feel deeply guilty.

这个偏僻的、贫穷的、落后的荒村,大自然倒没有遗忘她,公平地给她也盖上了一层洁白的初雪。Nature did not forgot this remote , poor and uncultured village , covered fairly it a layer of white snow.

因为在我们大部分讲话的时候,各位领导都是放在第一位的,而大部分领导都是没有文化的。It is because most of the time when we speak, we put "Dear leaders" first and those leaders are uncultured.

大部分成年人在观看艺术品的时候,都会担心如果自己不喜欢自己应该喜欢的东西,就会被人认为没有文化修养。Most adults looking at art worry that if they don't like what they're supposed to, they'll be thought uncultured.

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简要概述这一技术在研究未培养微生物方面的应用。The application of metagenomics for investigation of uncultured microorganisms has been briefly summarized in this paper.

先进地区纺织技术水平较高,但落后民族纺织品质量并不低于经济发达地区。Technique level of advanced region were higher than uncultured region, but the latter textile quality were not inferior to the former.

新农村建设应彻底转变过去落后的建房方式,建房前应进行科学的选址。During the construction of the New Countrysides, we should select the building locations scientifically and spurn the uncultured modes before.

圆锯片的变形检测是对之进行应力预处理前的一道必需的工序,传统的测量手段比较落后。The measuring to circular saw-blade is a necessary procedure before stress pretreatment to it. The traditional means of measuring is uncultured.

目前,炼钢厂对炼钢转炉的传动机构——耳轴轴承的监测手段比较落后,定期更换耳轴轴承的方式也有不少弊端。Nowadays, the means of monitoring converter bearing in steel mills is uncultured , and the abuse bought by the periodic replace of rolling bearing occurred.

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但目前SAR11是为培养生物,也就是说科学家不能在实验室里培养出这种细菌。因此需要科学家们研制出间接遗传方法,来研究SAR11。The catch is that SAR11 is what is known as an uncultured organism, which means that scientists haven't been able to cultivate it under laboratory conditions.

熊怪居住在港口下的洞穴中。虽然熊怪没有开化,可是过去它们对暗夜精灵还是十分友好的,待在废墟的时间将它们当中的很多变得凶猛。Furbolgs inhabit a series of caves beneath the port. Uncultured but friendly to night elves in the past, their time in the ruins has turned many of them feral.

分子生物学技术对不可培养微生物的研究,开启了探索微生物多样性和新资源的大门。Molecular techniques are used for uncultured microorganisms to explore the diversity of microbial communities and novel resources without the need of cultivation.