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我们把电视转到五频道吧。那儿在放映一部侦探惊险片。Let's switch to 5. There's a crime thriller.

我们蹬新系列精现菏事于今晚7时30钢开始播傣。Our serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening.

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这部政治惊险片真实多于虚构。This political thriller is more fact than fiction.

另一家“电影厂”的恐怖片充满血腥。Thriller of another 'dream factory' was too bloody.

对。-有点儿像一个惊悚名人传记电影。对吗?Right. -It's like a thriller biopic, sort of. Right?

把格利森的惊险小说改编成电影,应该是件很容易的事。It should be a snap to adapt a John Crisham thriller.

获得七项奥斯卡提名。The legal thriller picked up seven Oscar nominations.

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王卉凤是激战三局之后被击败的。Wang Huifeng was defeated after a three-set thriller.

凯拉的下一个角色出现在一个私立学校恐怖片里。Keira's next role came in this private-school thriller.

你以前见过他在歌曲毛骨悚然中塑造的形象吗?Have you ever seen the Thriller image when he was made up?

该部惊悚片描绘了一个疯狂的连环杀手的作案经过。This thriller portrays the exploits of a deranged serial-killer.

爬网一个字符驱动惊悚片集,在一个未知的,农村的小镇。Crawl is a character-driven thriller set in an unknown, rural town.

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飞机在天空盘旋了七十五分钟,最后的降落惊险万状。For 75 minutes the plane circled. The final landing was a thriller.

当然,在一部动作冒险惊悚片中,事情没有那么简单。Of course, nothing can be that easy in an action-adventure thriller.

有时,这种评论是适合中东的,它听起来几乎象一部恐怖小说。At times, as befits the Middle East, it reads almost like a thriller.

现在,一部新恐怖小说设法跟随”达文西密码”的脚步到来。Now, a new thriller tries to follow in the steps of The Da Vinci Code.

这种类型是与惊悚片和冒险电影类紧密联系在一起的。The genre is closely linked with the thriller and adventure film genres.

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在科幻惊悚片在一个辉煌的开始迷失方向的状态。The science-fiction thriller starts in a state of glorious disorientation.

2012年在新的惊悚片,或者只是那些月球疯子预言成真。In the new thriller 2012, those lunar or just lunatic prophesies come true.

除了记得是一套悬疑片之外,我已不大记得这套电影的内容。I can hardly remember what the movie is about, except that it is a thriller.