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所以她叫来我的父亲。my. FATHER.

你的父亲。Your father.

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塞萨尔的父亲吗?Cesar's father?

很象她父亲。Iike her father.

我敬佩我的父亲。I admire my father.

我父亲是言出必行的人。My father is a man.

辛巴有个爸爸。Simba has a father.

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辛巴有个父亲。Simba has—a father.

爸爸可能阵亡了!Father mightbe dead!

快去把他父亲叫醒。Go waken his father.

他是一位好爸爸。He 's a good father.

“是的,亲了。”爸爸说。"Yes, " said Father.

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他爸爸劝道,“快别哭!his father had said.

我是一名慈父。I am a caring Father.

父亲人皆有之。Everyone has a father.

他的父亲得了尿毒症.His father had uremia!

他父亲是位锻工。His father is a smith.

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他的父亲先死。His father went first.

我父亲是个老古板。My father is a square.

我爸爸穿着黑衣服。My father is in black.