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你了解国民党和蒋介石吗?Do you know Kuomintang and Jiang Jieshi?

这是国民党营垒的破裂。It marked a split within the Kuomintang camp.

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吴国桢,当时任国民党政府上海市长。Wu Kuo-chen was the Kuomintang mayor of Shanghai.

他的口才很好,在国民党中是有名的。His eloquence as a speaker was well known in the Kuomintang.

国民党重庆政府也得到了相关情报。Kuomintang Chongqing government also got pertinent information.

他命令钟离去除掉国民党左派关武。He ordered the clock go away with the kuomintang leftist GuanWu.

从某种意义上说,国民党的老一代领导人可以算是闯将。In a sense, the older leaders of the Kuomintang were adventurers.

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国民党政府执政的最后几天中,苏州河航道拥堵。Suchow creek. Traffic jam. During the last days of the Kuomintang.

遗憾的是,国民党强硬派最终破坏了这一道路。It is a pity, the Kuomintang hardliner destroyed this path finally.

国民党军继续向边区腹地进犯。The Kuomintang forces continued their attacks into the border areas.

一九四六年七月十五日在昆明被国民党特务暗杀。On July 15, 1946, he was assassinated in kunming by Kuomintang thugs.

汪精卫是当时国民党中亲日派的首领。Wang Ching-wei was the head of the pro-Japanese group in the Kuomintang.

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国民党政府对日本的侵略采取不抵抗政策。The Kuomintang government of Japan's aggressive policy of non-resistance.

故事发生在解放前的“白区”。The story took place before liberation in areas controlled by Kuomintang.

国民党发言人苏俊宝周六证实,这两人将举行会晤。Kuomintang spokesman Su Jun-Pin confirmed Saturday that the two would meet.

在叶江天的安排下,陆平被任命为国民党军官。With the assistance of Jiayi's husband, Lu Ping joined the Kuomintang army.

陈独秀却依然主张对武汉国民党的妥协退让。Chen Duxiu was still for moderation and concessions to the Wuhan Kuomintang.

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冢本带黄伟见两个人,国民党的胖中将和孙方祯。The mound with beckett see two people, the kuomintang fat and SunFang will *.

这一打,石友三就逃到黄河以南,后来叫国民党给枪毙了。He fled south of the Yellow River and was eventually executed by the Kuomintang.

国民党及其同盟在台湾立法委中占有绝大多数席位。The Kuomintang and its allies have an absolute majority in Taiwan's legislature.