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她在他住的活动屋里放了条黑曼巴。She put a black mamba in his camper.

黑曼巴没有设立特别保护区。The black mamba has no special conservation status.

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黑曼巴是世界上最致命的蛇。The Black Mamba is the most deadly snake in the world.

黑曼巴主要地被生境破坏威胁。The mamba is mainly threatened by habitat destruction.

科比是当今联盟最出色的球员,自称“黑色曼巴”。Bryant is the league kingpin, the self- titled Black Mamba.

他会蹑手蹑脚的走向一条熟睡的大王蛇,扭它的尾巴。Creep up to a sleeping mamba , tweak it by the tail. Crikey!

产于非洲南部的树眼镜蛇,由于其咬人迅速敏捷而令人恐怖。Southern african mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite.

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由于这些原因,黑曼巴被广泛地认为是世界上最具生命威胁的蛇类。For these reasons, the black mamba is widely considered the world's deadliest snake.

因此,黑曼巴被公认为世界上最致命的蛇。For these reasons, the black mamba is widely considered the world’s deadliest snake.

迈克布朗教练让科比独自主宰比赛还是“黑曼巴”融入全新的体系之中?Will Mike Brown allow Kobe to go off, or will "Black Mamba" play within the new system?

在黑曼巴抗毒血清出现之前,被这种恐怖的蛇咬上一口必死无疑,通常在20分钟内就会死去。Before the advent of black mamba antivenin, a bite from this fearsome serpent was 100 percent fatal, usually within about 20 minutes.

当黑曼巴要发起攻击时,它伸出脖子,发出响亮的嘶嘶声,露出他黑漆漆的嘴还有那致命的牙齿。When in the striking position, the Black Mamba flattens its neck, hisses very loudly, and displays its inky black mouth and deadly fangs.

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许多蛇专家指出黑曼巴是世界上最具有侵略性的蛇,争强好斗,在没有挑衅的条件下也会攻击。Many snake experts have cited the Black Mamba as the world's most aggressive snake, actively aggressive and attacking without provocation.

之后,科比甚至展示了他个性的另一面,当被问到在最后几分钟他进入的那种状态时,他说他变成了黑色曼巴蛇。Bryant even brought up his alter ego afterward, saying he "went to the Black Mamba" when asked if he was "in the zone" in the final few minutes.

如果攻击者保持态势,黑曼巴不会马上攻击,但是会不断地,释放大量的强力神经和心脏毒素。If an attacker persists, the mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly, injecting large amounts of potent neuro- and cardiotoxin with each strike.

黑曼巴蛇是一种拥有致命剧毒的蛇,为什么我取这个名字呢?是因为我一旦进入赛场,我就是致命的,就像黑曼巴一样。Black Mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes have , why do I get this name? Because once I entered the stadium , I was deadly , like the black mamba same.

目前这支湖人队有一个更为有趣的动态就是科比的队友都避免去惹怒老大,免得他们要面对黑曼巴的怒斥。One of the more interesting dynamics of this current Lakers team is how his teammates are wary of pissing him off, lest they face the wrath of the Black Mamba.

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湖人是人们的最爱,而我也觉得联盟中没人比科比更渴望去赢得总冠军,他就是我们所说的黑曼巴。The Lakers are the favorites and I suspect that no other player in the league has more riding on winning the championship than Kobe Bryant, a. k. a. the Black Mamba.

黑曼巴马从比赛的一开始就打的非常有攻击力,他要用他所有的进攻威力来赢回去年折戟于凯尔特人的总冠军。The Black Mamba is going to strike early and often, using all his potency to acquire the title he failed to capture after being thwarted by the Boston Celtics in last year's NBA Finals.

黑曼巴这个昵称是科比前些年给自己取的,不像奥尼尔这么多年给他的取的绰号,这一个真的非常适合科比。The Black Mamba is the nickname Kobe Bryant gave himself a couple of years ago. And unlike all those silly nicknames that Shaq has given himself over the years, this one fits Kobe to a tee.