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他们是谦逊和**的。They are unpretentious and democratic.

一切显得漂亮、雅观、简洁、和谐!All is beautiful, tasteful, unpretentious and harmonious!

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在他的鼎盛之际,这个谦逊的男人曾一度为史上最出色的重击拳击手。At his best, this unpretentious man was one of history's supreme boxer-punchers.

他谦虚、坦诚、热情,就像草原上的白杨,朴实无华。His modesty, frankness, enthusiasm are like the unpretentious alamo on grasslands.

只要有食物,你就可以发现他们的影踪。And as far as they are unpretentious in food you can find them absolutely everywhere.

它是不矫揉造作的,跟随它可以指引你找到自己最真的欢乐和幸福。It’s unpretentious and following it will lead you to your most authentic joy and happiness.

她只是有点聪明,参与和谦逊的人,我选择挂出的。She's just the sort of smart, involved, and unpretentious person I choose to hang out with.

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令人惊讶的绝对简单和谦逊的设计是非常有吸引力的。It's amazing how some absolutely simple and unpretentious designs can be so much attractive.

他不仅是美丽的,但他是如此的谦逊你不禁想给你的心给他。Not only is he gorgeous but he's so unpretentious you can't help but want to give your heart to him.

双方就长眠在弗农山庄,那是华盛顿生前规划的卑谦的墓地。Both lie buried at Mount Vernon, where Washington himself had planned an unpretentious tomb for them.

做一座朴实无华的桥吧,让那些被流水和深壑阻隔的道路重新畅通!Do an unpretentious bridge, let afresh those roads which is separated by flowing water and deep abyss are unimpeded!

追求卓越,志存高远,踏实做事,诚信为人。Pursuit made excellence, aspiration achieved eminence, unpretentious soared practicality, responsible humbled integrity.

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在这里经常见到雅库特马,这种半野马和卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪一样的谦逊。Yakut horses can be often seen in these places. This semi-wild animal is as much unpretentious as the Kalashnikov rifle.

他还说尽管该电影的寓意是深刻的,但表现手法“并不艺术”且“单刀直入、不费脑筋”。" The actor also said that despite the serious allegory, the film was "low art" and "completely unpretentious and silly".

新开张的好样棒棒有些许古典、微微香甜、及不经意的优雅,幻化为扎实美味的杯子蛋糕。The newly opened VVG Bon Bon has transformed unpretentious elegance, class, and subtle sweet aroma into delicious cupcakes.

两个都在寻找答案的灵魂,德和瓦提供光的黑暗部分平衡。Two unpretentious souls on a search for answers, Leonid and Valery provide the light that balances the dark part of humanity.

特莱希给银行的药方就像他的办公室一样朴实无华。Mr Treichl’s prescriptions for banking are as unpretentious as his office. “We should not think we can invent something brilliant.

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临时建筑类直接受到不景气的影响,少一点夸张浪费的情境营造,多一点朴实温暖的真实,聊以堪慰。Interim Architecture got a direct hit from the recession, now with less opulence or mood setters, and more unpretentious cozy practicality.

郑晓沧是中国近代学贯中西的教育家,他的诗作清和拙朴一如其人。The modern Chinese educationalist Zheng Xiaocang was expert in Chinese and Western studies, and his cairn and unpretentious poetry reflected the man himself.

这个楼梯井或许曾经有着极尽朴素之美,但却和它气势雄伟的外观真是没法比,更何况朴素之美也是久远以前。Whatever unpretentious beauty the stairwell might once have had ,it could never have been comparable to the grandeur of the façade, and it was long gone in any case.